首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Textile Institute >Experimental methods to determine in-plane material properties of polyurethane-coated nylon fabric

Experimental methods to determine in-plane material properties of polyurethane-coated nylon fabric


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Experimental procedures have been developed to obtain the mechanical stiffness and strength properties of an orthotropic polyurethane-coated nylon fabric for use in a finite element analysis of an inflatable, deployable structure. A method that utilizes a specialized material test fixture and photogrammetry to collect the linear and angular displacement data has been employed. Different material holding methods were compared with the objective of producing strength values not influenced by gripping and that allow for use of machine displacement to estimate longitudinal strains during cyclic testing. A series of tension and bias tension tests provided material properties such as Young's modulus in both warp and fill directions, Poisson's ratios in plane and through the thickness, and shear modulus. Results obtained from the photogrammetry method show good correlation to machine readings using a pinched gripping method. Additionally, cyclic tests gave the continuous load-unload response and the hysteresis characteristics of the stress-strain in plane and indicated the degree of material degradation. The shear stress-shear strain behavior and shear modulus values are acquired using bias tension tests on 45° skewed specimens.



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