首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice >Wearing Well-Being: Co-Creative and Textile-Based Approaches to Enhancing Palliative Care

Wearing Well-Being: Co-Creative and Textile-Based Approaches to Enhancing Palliative Care


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Few forms of human behavior are more pervasive than the use of textiles. As shelter and clothing, textile products play a vital role in meeting basic human needs. Clothes are imbued with memories, intertwined with our histories and identities, interwoven into the "fabric of our lives." In late-stage eldercare/ assisted living scenarios, care priorities often shift from curative measures to palliative care for the relief of pain, symptoms and emotional stress. Palliative care is available at any stage of an illness. The purpose of this exploratory creative study is to better understand opportunities applying co-creative design approaches in late-stage eldercare through the development of wearable narratives. We develop a form of garment therapy, imprinted with a unique textile print that is visual, tactile and empowering to the user/creator. The design researchers adopted context mapping as a method to engage participants in creative, idea generating activities to help inform textile design processes. Context mapping empowers participants by allowing them to make collaged artefacts and then tell stories about what they have made. As designers, we seek to delineate textiles as a therapeutic modality in its own right, a form of expression that can be used as a therapeutic intervention to foster well-being. We view this creative design exploration as an entry point into broader interdisciplinary opportunities. In this way, the project aligns with emerging models that attempt to address important societal and cultural problems through practice, by design.
机译:少量人类行为的形式比使用纺织品更普遍。作为庇护所和服装,纺织产品在满足基本人类需求方面发挥着至关重要的作用。衣服充满了记忆,与我们的历史和身份交织在一起,交织在“我们生活的面料”中。在晚期的Erdercare /辅助生活情景中,护理优先事项往往从疗效转向痛苦的痛苦,以缓解疼痛,症状和情绪压力。痛苦的任何阶段都可以提供姑息治疗。该探索性创造性研究的目的是通过开发可穿戴叙述,更好地了解应用共同创意​​设计方法的机会。我们开发了一种服装治疗形式,印有一个独特的纺织品印花,即视觉,触觉和向用户/创造者赋予权力。设计研究人员采用上下文映射作为参与创意,思想生成活动的方法,以帮助通知纺织设计过程。背景上映射赋予参与者,允许他们弥合拼贴的人工制品然后讲述关于他们所做的事情的故事。作为设计师,我们寻求将纺织品描绘成其自己的权利,一种表达式,可以用作治疗干预以促进福祉的表达。我们将此创意设计探索视为更广泛的跨学科机会的入口点。通过这种方式,该项目与新兴模型对齐,以通过设计通过实践解决重要的社会和文化问题。



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