首页> 外文期刊>Journal of testing and evaluation >An Evaluation of Vacation Lifestyle Scale-Using International and Theme Resort Hotels in Taiwan as Examples

An Evaluation of Vacation Lifestyle Scale-Using International and Theme Resort Hotels in Taiwan as Examples


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Little guidance exists in the literature with respect to research and evaluation of opportunities to use advanced marketing segmentation to understand resort hotel leisure service. In this study, the authors integrate existing frameworks to assist in filling this void. A scale based on the research of Hawkins et al. (Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 8th ed., Irwin McGraw Hill, London, 2001), Zins ("Leisure Travel Choice Models of Theme Hotels Using Psychographics,"J. Leisure Res., Vol. 36, No. 4, 1998, pp. 3-15), and Zheng and Liu (2003) is redesigned to explore resort guests' vacation lifestyles in Taiwan. A total of 23 items were adopted, some of which were modified to reduce potential problems such as culture difference and item variance. Major Taiwan resort hotels were chosen as subjects for empirical study. The results show stability and consistency in the new scale and suggest it is helpful in exploring and gaining a deeper understanding of Taiwan resort guests' vacation lifestyles.
机译:关于使用高级市场细分来了解度假酒店休闲服务的机会的研究和评估,文献中几乎没有指导。在这项研究中,作者整合了现有框架以帮助填补这一空白。基于Hawkins等人研究的量表。 (《消费者行为:建筑营销策略》,第8版,欧文·麦格劳·希尔,伦敦,2001年),津斯(“使用心理学的主题酒店休闲旅行选择模型”,《休闲杂志》,第36卷,第4期) (1998年,第3-15页),以及郑和刘(2003)进行了重新设计,以探索台湾度假者的度假生活方式。总共采用了23个项目,对其中的一些项目进行了修改,以减少诸如文化差异和项目差异之类的潜在问题。台湾主要度假酒店被选为实证研究对象。结果显示新尺度下的稳定性和一致性,这有助于探索和加深对台湾度假客人度假生活方式的了解。



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