首页> 外文期刊>Journal of systems and software >Frameworks For Designing And Implementing Dependable Systems Using Coordinated Atomic Actions: A Comparative Study

Frameworks For Designing And Implementing Dependable Systems Using Coordinated Atomic Actions: A Comparative Study


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This paper presents ways of implementing dependable distributed applications designed using the Coordinated Atomic Action (CAA) paradigm. CAAs provide a coherent set of concepts adapted to fault tolerant distributed system design that includes structured transactions, distribution, cooperation, competition, and forward and backward error recovery mechanisms triggered by exceptions. DRIP (Dependable Remote Interacting Processes) is an efficient Java implementation framework which provides support for implementing Dependable Multiparty Interactions (DMI). As DMIs have a softer exception handling semantics compared with the CAA semantics, a CAA design can be implemented using the DRIP framework. A new framework called CAA-DRIP allows programmers to exclusively implement the semantics of CAAs using the same terminology and concepts at the design and implementation levels. The new framework not only simplifies the implementation phase, but also reduces the final system size as it requires less number of instances for creating a CAA at runtime. The paper analyses both implementation frameworks in great detail, drawing a systematic comparison of the two. The CAAs behaviour is described in terms of Statecharts to better understand the differences between the two frameworks. Based on the results of the comparison, we use one of the frameworks to implement a case study belonging to the e-health domain.
机译:本文介绍了使用协调原子行动(CAA)范式设计的实现可靠的分布式应用程序的方法。 CAA提供了一套适用于容错分布式系统设计的一致概念,其中包括结构化事务,分布,合作,竞争以及异常触发的前向和后向错误恢复机制。 DRIP(可靠的远程交互过程)是一种有效的Java实现框架,为实现可靠的多方交互(DMI)提供支持。由于DMI与CAA语义相比具有更软的异常处理语义,因此可以使用DRIP框架实现CAA设计。一个称为CAA-DRIP的新框架允许程序员在设计和实现级别使用相同的术语和概念专门实现CAA的语义。新框架不仅简化了实施阶段,而且减小了最终系统的大小,因为在运行时创建CAA所需的实例数量更少。本文对这两种实现框架进行了详细分析,并对两者进行了系统的比较。根据状态图描述了CAA行为,以更好地理解两个框架之间的差异。根据比较结果,我们使用其中一个框架来实施属于电子医疗领域的案例研究。



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