首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Systems Science and Information >The Determination Theory and Control Approach of Reasonable Housing Prices

The Determination Theory and Control Approach of Reasonable Housing Prices


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To face soaring average housing prices(Hp), the Government should reduce Hp or raise wages? This involves the interpretation of reasonable Hp. The connotation of reasonable Hp is in the coefficient of Hp-to-Income (CIP )= (0,4] to maintain moderate high Hp, to maintain the simultaneous development between science-technology and productivity, Land outputs rates, the rate of economic growth and Human being evolution; the extension of reasonable Hp is to keep Hp and GDP, wages, price promoting evenly. To stabilize Hp development the Hp function to establish a fair Hp tuning mechanism. So we ask the economic policies of the government to meet the Hp structure as same layout as the Mountain Style(HMS), to maintain direct proportion between GDP, wages and Hp(PGWH), to follow the law of synchronizing traveling of all prices(LSTP). On the contrary, simple significantly reduction of Hp is a poor choice, it would endanger the financial system safety and shake the lead of national economy.
机译:面对飞涨的平均房价,政府应该降低房价还是提高工资?这涉及对合理Hp的解释。合理的Hp的含义是:Hp到收入的系数(CIP)=(0.4),以保持适度的高Hp,保持科学技术与生产力,土地产出率,经济率之间的同步发展。增长和人的进化;合理的Hp的扩展是保持Hp和GDP,工资,价格的平均增长;为了稳定Hp的发展,Hp功能建立了公平的Hp调整机制,因此,我们要求政府的经济政策能够满足Hp结构与Mountain Style(HMS)的布局相同,以保持GDP,工资和Hp(PGWH)之间的直接比例,遵循所有价格的同步移动定律(LSTP)。惠普是一个糟糕的选择,它将危害金融体系的安全并动摇国民经济的领先地位。



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