首页> 外文期刊>urnal of Symbolic Computation >Some Applications of Magma in Designs and Codes: Oval Designs, Hermitian Unitals and Generalized Reed-Muller Codes

Some Applications of Magma in Designs and Codes: Oval Designs, Hermitian Unitals and Generalized Reed-Muller Codes


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We describe three applications of Magma to problems in the area of designs and the associated codews: Steiner systems, Hadamard designs and symmetric designs arising from an oval in An even-order plane, leading in the classical case to bent functions and difference-set designs; the Hermitian unital as a 2(q~3+1,q+1,1) design, and the code over Fp where p divides q+1; a basis of minimum-weight vectors for the code over Fp of the design of points and hyperplanes of the affine geometry Agd(Fp), where p is a prime.
机译:我们描述了岩浆在设计和相关代码领域中的三种应用:Steiner系统,Hadamard设计和由偶数阶中的椭圆形产生的对称设计,从而导致经典情况下的弯曲函数和差异集设计; Hermitian单位为2(q〜3 + 1,q + 1,1)设计,以及Fp上的代码,其中p除以q + 1;仿射几何Agd(Fp)的点和超平面设计的Fp上代码的最小权重向量的基础,其中p是素数。



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