首页> 外文期刊>Journal of symbolic computation >Suslin's algorithms for reduction of unimodular rows

Suslin's algorithms for reduction of unimodular rows


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A well-known lemma of Suslin says that for a commutative ring A if (v_1(X),…, v_n(X)) ∈ (A[X])~n is unimodular where v_1 is monic and n ≥ 3, then there exist γ_1,…, γ_l ∈ E_(n-1) (A[X]) such that the ideal generated by Res(v_1, e_1.γ_1 ~t(v_2,….,v_n)),…, Res(v_1,e_1.γ_l ~t(v_2,…, v_n)) equals A. This lemma played a central role in the resolution of Serre's Conjecture. In the case where A contains a set E of cardinality greater than deg v_1 + 1 such that y — y′ is invertible for each y ≠ y′ in E, we prove that the γ_i can simply correspond to the elementary operations L_1 → L_1 + y_1 ∑_(J=2)~(n-1)u _(j+1) L_j, 1 ≤ i ≤ l = deg v_1 + 1, where u_1 v_1 + …+ u_n v_n = 1. These efficient elementary operations enable us to give new and simple algorithms for reducing unimodular rows with entries in K[X_1…, X_k] to ~t(1,0,…, 0) using elementary operations in the case where K is an infinite field. Another feature of this paper is that it shows that the concrete local-global principles can produce competitive complexity bounds.
机译:Suslin的一个著名引理说,对于交换环A,如果(v_1(X),…,v_n(X))∈(A [X])〜n是单模的,其中v_1是一元且n≥3,则存在γ_1,...,γ_l∈E_(n-1)(A [X])使得由Res(v_1,e_1.γ_1〜t(v_2,....,v_n)),...,Res(v_1, e_1.γ_l〜t(v_2,…,v_n))等于A。这个引理在解决Serre's Conjecture中起着核心作用。在A包含一个大于deg v_1 +1的基数的集合E使得y — y'对于E中的每个y≠y'可逆的情况下,我们证明γ_i可以简单地对应于基本运算L_1→L_1 + y_1 ∑_(J = 2)〜(n-1)u _(j + 1)L_j,1≤i≤l =度v_1 + 1,其中u_1 v_1 +…+ u_n v_n = 1我们给出新的简单算法,在K是无限字段的情况下,使用基本运算将具有K [X_1…,X_k]中的条目的单模行减少到〜t(1,0,…,0)。本文的另一个特点是,它表明具体的局部全局原则可以产生竞争复杂性界限。



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