首页> 外文期刊>Journal of symbolic computation >A certified numerical algorithm for the topology of resultant and discriminant curves

A certified numerical algorithm for the topology of resultant and discriminant curves


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Let C be a real plane algebraic curve defined by the resultant of two polynomials (resp. by the discriminant of a polynomial). Geometrically such a curve is the projection of the intersection of the surfaces P (x, y, z) = Q (x, y, z) = 0 (resp. P(x, y, z) = az (x, y, z) = 0), and generically its singularities are nodes (resp. nodes and ordinary cusps). State-of-the-art numerical algorithms compute the topology of smooth curves but usually fail to certify the topology of singular ones. The main challenge is to find practical numerical criteria that guarantee the existence and the uniqueness of a singularity inside a given box B, while ensuring that B does not contain any closed loop of C. We solve this problem by first providing a square deflation system, based on subresultants, that can be used to certify numerically whether B contains a unique singularity p or not. Then we introduce a numeric adaptive separation criterion based on interval arithmetic to ensure that the topology of C in B is homeomorphic to the local topology at p. Our algorithms are implemented and experiments show their efficiency compared to state-of-the-art symbolic or homotopic methods. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:令C为由两个多项式的结果(由多项式的判别式表示)定义的实平面代数曲线。从几何学上讲,这样的曲线是曲面P(x,y,z)= Q(x,y,z)= 0(分别是P(x,y,z)= az(x,y, z)= 0),通常它的奇点是节点(分别是节点和普通尖点)。最新的数值算法可以计算平滑曲线的拓扑,但通常无法证明奇异曲线的拓扑。主要挑战是要找到实用的数值准则,以保证给定盒子B内奇点的存在和唯一性,同时确保B不包含C的任何闭环。我们首先提供平方放气系统来解决此问题,基于子结果,可用于数字证明B是否包含唯一的奇点p。然后,我们引入了基于区间算法的数值自适应分离准则,以确保B中C的拓扑与p处的局部拓扑同胚。与最先进的符号或同位方法相比,我们的算法得以实现,并且实验证明了它们的效率。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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