首页> 外文期刊>Journal of structural geology >Relationships between melt-induced rheological transitions and finite strain: observations from host rock pendants of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada, California

Relationships between melt-induced rheological transitions and finite strain: observations from host rock pendants of the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada, California


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Albertz (2006) presented a study of strain and host rock rheology around the Tuolumne batholith, an area in which my colleagues and I have worked for a number of years. I am concerned about the following points raised by Albertz (2006). There are repeated statements in the paper (e.g., page 1431) that strain "drastically" or "abruptly" increases towards the margin of the Tuolumne batholith and more specifically that on average "strain intensities increase from ca. 43% to ca. 70-85%" (Fig. 7A). I have seen little to no evidence for such a strain increase anywhere around the southern, eastern, and northern margins of this batholith. Furthermore, I do not think the data presented by Albertz support such statements. Albertz (2006) acknowledges that strain is a function of rock type, as is well shown by his data in Figs. 3, 6, and 7. In fact, Fig. 7a and b nicely show that regional strain well outside the aureole of the Tuolumne batholith ranges from almost 0% shortening to 70% shortening along the z-axis, with most results falling between 30% and 60% shortening.
机译:Albertz(2006)提出了对Tuolumne岩基周围应变和宿主岩石流变学的研究,我和我的同事已经在该领域工作了多年。我对阿尔伯茨(2006)提出的以下几点感到关注。在论文中有重复的陈述(例如,第1431页),应变朝着Tuolumne岩基的边缘“急剧”或“突然”增加,更具体地说,平均而言,“应变强度从大约43%增加到大约70- 85%”(图7A)。我几乎没有甚至没有证据表明在该岩基的南部,东部和北部边缘的任何地方出现这种应变的迹象。此外,我认为阿尔伯茨提供的数据不支持这种说法。 Albertz(2006)承认应变是岩石类型的函数,正如他在图1和2中的数据很好地显示的那样。 3、6和7。实际上,图7a和b很好地显示了Tuolumne岩基的金刚砂外侧的局部应变范围从沿Z轴缩短近0%到缩短70%,大多数结果在30到30之间。 %和60%缩短。



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