首页> 外文期刊>Journal of structural geology >Complex vein systems as a data source in tectonics: An example from the Ugab Valley, NW Namibia

Complex vein systems as a data source in tectonics: An example from the Ugab Valley, NW Namibia


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Neoproterozoic metaturbidites in the Lower Ugab Domain, Namibia, contain a complex network of four sets of quartz-calcite veins, overprinted by km-scale folds associated with four regional foliations. The veins formed by fluid overpressure predating the main deformation. Deformation structures developed at the junction of two mobile belts during the assembly of Gondwana, the NS Kaoko Belt, and the EW trending Damara Belt. Km-scale NS trending folds were initiated during EW constriction in the Kaoko Belt, while their further development and all subsequent events are related to constriction in the EW-Damara Belt, with coeval sinistral strike slip in the Kaoko Belt. Deformation of the veins, and development of four orthogonal foliations are due to gradual changes in the bulk tectonic framework rather than separate orogenic events. The veins are deformed in a complex manner allowing a full 3D reconstruction of regional sequence of events. The local complex tectonics could be reconstructed because of the perfect local exposure and the multitude of veins: it illustrates the potential complexity of tectonic events and structural evolution in apparently simple slate belts.
机译:纳米比亚下乌格布地区的新元古代变质浊积岩由四组石英方解石脉组成的复杂网络,上面覆盖着与四个区域叶脉相关的千米尺度褶皱。由流体超压形成的脉动早于主要变形。在冈瓦纳,NS Kaoko带和EW趋势达马拉带的组装过程中,两条移动带的交汇处形成了变形结构。 Km级的NS趋势褶皱是在高考带的EW收缩期间开始的,而它们的进一步发展和所有后续事件都与EW-Damara带的收缩有关,而高考带则出现了年代学的左弦走滑。脉的变形和四个正交叶的发育是由于整体构造框架的逐渐变化而不是单独的造山事件。静脉以复杂的方式变形,可以对事件区域序列进行完整的3D重建。由于完美的局部暴露和众多的脉络,可以重建局部复杂的构造:它说明了构造事件的潜在复杂性和看似简单的板岩带中的结构演化。



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