首页> 外文期刊>The journal of strategic studies >Multilateralism as a tool: Exploring French military cooperation in the Sahel

Multilateralism as a tool: Exploring French military cooperation in the Sahel


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President Francois Hollande entered public office in 2012 with a non-interventionist agenda that promised to draw down French troops in Africa and promoted collective African and European mechanisms to reduce France's military footprint in the region. One year later, the same president deployed 4,000 combat troops to Mali, initially without any multilateral participation. To understand this apparent contradiction between multilateral rhetoric and operational unilateralism, this article looks at France's efforts in previous years to establish African and European military operations in support of the Malian state. The article finds that France's commitment to multilateralism is genuine yet not absolute - meaning that French policy-makers do not shy away from operational unilateralism if conditions on the ground seem to require swift and robust military action, as long as they can count on the political support of key international partners.
机译:弗朗索瓦总统于2012年进入公职人员,这是一个非干预议程,承诺在非洲制定法国军队,并促进集体非洲和欧洲机制,以减少该地区的法国军事足迹。一年后,同一位总统将4,000名战斗部队部署到马里,最初没有任何多边参与。为了了解多边修辞和运营单边主义之间的明显矛盾,本文在往年介绍法国的努力,以建立非洲和欧洲军事行动,以支持玛丽安国家。文章认为,法国对多边主义的承诺是真正的,但不是绝对的 - 这意味着如果地面的条件似乎需要迅速和强大的军事行动,法国政策制定者就不会害羞地远离运营单边主义,只要他们能够依靠政治支持关键国际合作伙伴。



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