首页> 外文期刊>Journal of statistical computation and simulation >LS estimation of periodic autoregressive models with non-Gaussian errors: a simulation study

LS estimation of periodic autoregressive models with non-Gaussian errors: a simulation study


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In this article, the least squares (LS) estimates of the parameters of periodic autoregressive (PAR) models are investigated for various distributions of error terms via Monte-Carlo simulation. Beside the Gaussian distribution, this study covers the exponential, gamma, student-t, and Cauchy distributions. The estimates are compared for various distributions via bias and MSE criterion. The effect of other factors are also examined as the non-constancy of model orders, the non-constancy of the variances of seasonal white noise, the period length, and the length of the time series. The simulation results indicate that this method is in general robust for the estimation of AR parameters with respect to the distribution of error terms and other factors. However, the estimates of those parameters were, in some cases, noticeably poor for Cauchy distribution. It is also noticed that the variances of estimates of white noise variances are highly affected by the degree of skewness of the distribution of error terms.



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