首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness >Identifying the integrated electromyographic threshold using different muscles during incremental cycling exercise

Identifying the integrated electromyographic threshold using different muscles during incremental cycling exercise


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Background. The purpose of this study was to identify the IEMG threshold in the vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles during progressive, incremental exercise and to relate these thresholds to the ventilatory threshold (Tvent). Methods. Ten men (age: 23.40±3.13 yrs, mass 76.64±8.13 kg, % fat: 8.81±2.32,VO_2peak: 66.37±10.61 ml·kg·min~(-1)) with cycling experience completed a graded exercise test on a cycle ergometer by cycling at 90 rpm using 45 watt increments at two minute intervals. Oxygen uptake was measured continuously and the IEMG activity of the VL and RF was calculated during the last 5 s of each minute. The mean for the IEMG of 6 to 7 complete pedal revolutions was used as the final value. Tvent was visually identified using the VE/VO_2 and V-slope methods. The IEMG threshold for VL and RF was visually identified at the inflection point where a non-linear increase in IEMG occurred. Comparisons between Tvent and IEMG thresholds were made using dependent means "t"-tests. Results. Results showed that an IEMG threshold was identified in all 10 subjects for the RF, but in only 5 of 10 subjects for the VL. However, when identified, the IEMG threshold for VL was similar to RF.VO_2 at IEMG threshold for RF (3.53±0.36 L·min~(-1)) was not significantly different from Tvent (3.36±0.42 L·min~(-1)). Conclusions. These results show that the IEMG threshold is more consistently detected in the RF compared to VL during incremental cycling exercise. In addition, the IEMG threshold for RF was closely related to Tvent and provides an alternative means to assess the ventilatory threshold.
机译:背景。这项研究的目的是确定渐进渐进运动期间股外侧肌(VL)和股直肌(RF)肌肉的IEMG阈值,并将这些阈值与通气阈值(Tvent)相关联。方法。十名具有骑行经验的男性(年龄:23​​.40±3.13岁,体重76.64±8.13 kg,%脂肪:8.81±2.32,VO_2峰值:66.37±10.61 ml·kg·min〜(-1))完成了一个循序渐进的运动测试通过在两分钟的间隔内以45瓦特的增量以90 rpm的速度循环,进行测力计。持续测量氧气摄入量,并在每分钟的最后5秒内计算VL和RF的IEMG活性。 IEMG的6至7个完整踏板转数的平均值用作最终值。使用VE / VO_2和V-slope方法在视觉上识别Tvent。在拐点处目测识别出VL和RF的IEMG阈值,在拐点处IEMG出现非线性增加。使用相关的均值“ t”检验对Tvent和IEMG阈值进行比较。结果。结果表明,在RF的所有10名受试者中均确定了IEMG阈值,而VL的10名受试者中仅有5名被确定。但是,当确定时,VL的IEMG阈值与RF相似.VO_2的IEMG阈值(3.53±0.36 L·min〜(-1))与Tvent(3.36±0.42 L·min〜(- 1))。结论。这些结果表明,与增量骑行运动期间的VL相比,IEMG阈值在RF中更一致地被检测到。此外,RF的IEMG阈值与Tvent密切相关,并提供了一种评估通气阈值的替代方法。



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