首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >Nonfree Space Radiating Fin Optimum Dimension and Efficiency Correlations

Nonfree Space Radiating Fin Optimum Dimension and Efficiency Correlations


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Correlation (15) is suggested to evaluate the efficiency of a longitudinal rectangular fin radiating to a nonfree space. This correlation covers a wide range of the values of the parameter radiation-conduction number N_r, in comparison to Chang's correlation, and is useful in estimating the heat transferred by the fin to the surroundings without the need of solving a nonlinear second-order differential equation. The fin efficiency evaluated using Chang's correlation when used to find out the fin tip temperature for the case of nonfree-space condition led to meaningless results. This emphasizes the need to use the value of fin efficiency for the correct θ_∞ condition and should not be approximated by that at θ_∞ = 0. A correlation, Eq. (17), to estimate the optimum N_r yielding the least fin material for different background temperatures also is given. Optimum N_r decreases with increasing background temperature.
机译:建议使用相关性(15)来评估纵向矩形散热片辐射到非自由空间的效率。与Chang的相关性相比,该相关性涵盖了参数辐射传导数N_r的广泛范围,并且在无需求解非线性二阶微分方程的情况下,可用于估算翅片传递到周围环境的热量。 。当用于非自由空间条件的情况下,使用Chang的相关性评估鳍效率来找出鳍尖端温度时,将导致毫无意义的结果。这强调了对于正确的θ_∞条件需要使用鳍效率的值,并且不应以θ_∞= 0时的值近似。等式(17)给出了在不同背景温度下估计产生最少鳍片材料的最佳N_r。最佳N_r随着背景温度的升高而降低。



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