首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >In-Flight Aging of Thermal Coatings: THERME Experiment

In-Flight Aging of Thermal Coatings: THERME Experiment


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Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales has developed a simple and low-cost experiment called THERME to evaluatenthe in-flight degradation of common space coatings, in which temperature measurements are taken to monitor thenevolution of solar absorptivity. The experiment payload is now carried on low-Earth-orbit satellites such as SPOT 5,nHELIOS 2A, and DEMETER. In-orbit results provided for some thermal control coatings (white paint, secondnsurface mirror, and Kapton) show the effects of the low-Earth-orbit space environment. Nevertheless, sometimesncoatings are more degraded in flight than in ground simulation tests. A possible explanation is that the coatings arencontaminated by organic products outgassed when the satellites are placed in orbit. The degradation of the coatingnwould then be due to this early contamination combined with solar radiation, while the flux of atomic oxygen hittingnthe coating could reduce the degradation by eroding the contamination layer. This hypothesis is consistent with thenspace environment, the temperature, and the coating chemistry.
机译:国家空间研究中心开发了一个简单且低成本的实验,称为THERME,用于评估常见空间涂料的空中降解,其中进行温度测量以监测太阳吸收率的变化。现在,实验有效载荷承载在低地球轨道卫星上,例如SPOT 5,nHELIOS 2A和DEMETER。一些热控涂层(白色涂料,secondnsurface镜子和Kapton)提供的在轨结果显示了低地球轨道空间环境的影响。但是,有时候,涂料的耐火性要比地面模拟试验中的低。可能的解释是,当卫星进入轨道时,释放出的有机产物不会污染涂层。然后,涂层的降解将归因于这种早期污染与太阳辐射的结合,而原子氧流撞击涂层可能会通过腐蚀污染层而减少降解。该假设与当时的空间环境,温度和涂层化学性质相符。



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