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Heroes and revolution in Vietnam


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The concept of the 'body politic' has its historical origins in Western medieval political theology and it minimised the distinction between the political body (the state) and the physical one (the king). Antoine de Baecque, using an impressive array of textual sources, detailed the role corporeal metaphors played in efforts to decouple these two bodies in eighteenth-century revolutionary France. The political intent behind these metaphors, de Baecque argues, was to delegitimise the old regime and legitimise a new one by representing subjects as citizens, narrating national rather than dynastic histories, and devising rituals to commemorate popular sovereignty (i.e. government created by and subject to the will of the people). Benoit de Treglode explores similar issues in his book, but with an important difference. He documents the extent to which the Vietnamese Communist Party relied upon pre-revolutionary understandings of heroism to mobilise rural populations to build a 'new society' in the post-revolutionary one.
机译:“身体政治”的概念起源于西方中世纪政治神学,它最小化了政治身体(国家)与自然身体(国王)之间的区别。安托万·德·贝克(Antoine de Baecque)使用大量令人印象深刻的文字资料,详述了在18世纪革命性的法国中,有形的隐喻在使这两个机构脱钩中所起的作用。德·贝克克认为,这些隐喻的政治意图是通过代表主体为公民,叙述民族而非王朝历史,设计仪式以纪念人民主权(即由人民建立并受其统治的政府)来使旧政权合法化,并使新政权合法化。人民的意志)。 Benoit de Treglode在他的书中探讨了类似的问题,但有一个重要区别。他记录了越南共产党在多大程度上依靠革命前对英雄主义的理解来动员农村人口在革命后的社会中建立“新社会”。



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