首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Cordierite-bearing granitic rocks in South America: Contrasting sources and conditions of formation

Cordierite-bearing granitic rocks in South America: Contrasting sources and conditions of formation


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Mineralogy, geochemistry and isotopic data for Ediacaran, Ordovician to Devonian, and Upper Triassic cordieritebearing granitoids respectively from Brazil, Argentina and Chile are discussed here. Syn-collisional Lower to Middle Ordovician, and post-collisional Upper Devonian garnet-free granitoids from Argentina intruded greenschist-to amphibolite-facies metasedimentary rocks. Garnet-bearing and garnet-free monzogranites of the Nanuque Suite, Brazil, intruded high-grade gneisses and migmatites, and in the High Andes Belt, the Los Tilos garnet-free granite was emplaced into an early Permian batholith during an extensional event. Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of the granites from Argentina and Brazil, such as presence of peritectic and (+/-) restictic cordierite, low magnetic susceptibility (MS) values (0.03-0.2 x 10(-3) SI), negative epsilon Nd (-7.3 to -5.0) and high delta(18)Ozircon values ( 9 parts per thousand), suggest a major aluminous metasedimentary source. Data for the Chilean pluton (small volume, associated with coeval metaluminous granites, low delta(18)Ozircon values (6.6-7.4 parts per thousand), slightly negative epsilon Nd (-4), and high MS values (1.4-2.5 x 10(-3) SI) are compatible with a less-evolved source, possibly a metaluminous granitic rock. P-T magma crystallization conditions of the cordierite-bearing granites from Argentina are 2-4 kbar and 630-720 degrees C; and 3.6-4.0 kbar and at 670-700 degrees C for their cordierite. The Nanuque magma formed P 6 kbar, T = 750-800 degrees C, and magma emplaced at 3 kbar. Their cordierite formed at P = 5.0-5.2 kbar and T = 720- 740 degrees C. P-T conditions of the Los Tilos magma emplacement are P similar to 3 kbar and T similar to 670 degrees C. Cordierite-paramorph fl-quartz nodules in this pluton, surrounded by leucocratic rims, have been formed by biotite dehydration reactions. This study confirms that cordierite in granites can be produced from different source rocks by a number of processes, at different P-T conditions.
机译:这里讨论了分别从巴西,阿根廷和智利的伊德拉曼,奥陶思,奥陶诺夫,奥莫莫迪亚对德文郡的矿物质和同位素数据和上三叠纪堇青石串行花岗岩。中间奥陶诺迪人的同步碰撞,以及阿根廷侵入绿色植物到Amphibolite-Facies Metaseigatiangary Rocks的局局的上部牧人石榴石花岗岩。石榴石轴承和石榴石无蒙佐格林,巴西,侵入高级外形和Migmatites,以及在高山腰带中,洛杉矶Tileos Garnet Granite被挖出到一个延伸活动期间的早期镀叠。来自阿根廷和巴西的花岗岩的矿物学,地球化学和同位素特征,例如囊泡和(+/-)嵌入堇青石的存在,低磁化率(MS)值(0.03-0.2×10(-3)Si),负epsilon ND(-7.3至-5.0)和高δ(18)ozircon值(> 9份每千),建议是一个主要的铝制的代购来源。智利芦苇的数据(小体积,与辅助冶金花岗岩相关,低δ(18)ozircon值(6.6-7.4份),略微阴性εnd(-4),高ms值(1.4-2.5 x 10 (-3)Si)与较少进化的源极兼容,可能是金属滤片岩。来自阿根廷的堇青石花岗岩的PT岩浆结晶条件是2-4 kbar,630-720℃;和3.6-4.0 kbar在670-700摄氏度下为它们的堇青石。Nanuque岩浆形成P> 6 kbar,T = 750-800摄氏度,岩浆在3 kbar置于3 kbar。它们在p = 5.0-5.2 kbar和t = 720- 740℃下的PT条件LOS Tilos岩浆施加的Pt是类似于3 kBar的P,并且在这种芦苇中的堇青石 - paramorph Fl-Quartz结节类似,由白云脱水反应形成。本研究证实,花岗岩中的堇青石可以由不同的源岩石生产在不同的P-T条件下的过程R.



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