首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Chaychanus gonzalezorum gen. et sp. nov.: A damselfish fossil (Percomorphaceae; Pomacentridae), from the Early Paleocene outcrop of Chiapas, Southeastern Mexico

Chaychanus gonzalezorum gen. et sp. nov.: A damselfish fossil (Percomorphaceae; Pomacentridae), from the Early Paleocene outcrop of Chiapas, Southeastern Mexico

机译:Chaychanus gonzalezorum gen。等。 11月:一种雀鲷化石(Percomorphaceae; Pomacentridae),来自墨西哥东南部恰帕斯州的古新世早期露头

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We describe a new fossil fish, dagger Chaychanus gonzalezorum gen. et sp. nov., from the Belisario Dominguez quarry, a marine Paleocene outcrop of Chiapas, Southeastern Mexico. The single articulated specimen is placed in the family Pomacentridae based on its pharyngognathy and the presence of two anal fin spines in supernumerary association. At approximately 63 Ma, this is the earliest record of the family. The presence of three supraneural with the predorsal formula 0 + 0/0/1 + 1/combined with several diagnostic features indicates this fossil fish as a new genus and species of damselfish. Following the discovery of ancient taxa belonging to dagger Eekaulostomidae and Serranidae, this the third percomorph family with possible coral reef associations to be described from these marine deposits. Its presence on the Western margin of the Tethys region highlights the importance of the Western Atlantic in the early origins of tropical marine taxa.
机译:我们描述了一种新的化石鱼,匕首Chaychanus gonzalezorum gen。等。十一月,来自墨西哥东南部恰帕斯州的海洋古新世露头Belisario Dominguez采石场。根据其咽部咬合和多余的两个肛门鳍棘的存在,将单个的关节标本放置在Pomacentridae科中。这是该家族的最早记录,大约63 Ma。三种前上式为0 + 0/0/1 + 1/1 /并具有多种诊断特征的胸膜上肌,表明该化石鱼是一种新的属和雀鲷。在发现了属于匕首Eekaulostomidae和Serranidae的古代生物群之后,这第三种藻类家族可能与这些珊瑚礁的珊瑚礁相关联。它在特提斯地区西部边缘的存在突显了西大西洋在热带海洋生物分类的早期起源中的重要性。



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