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The bivalve Neithea from the Cretaceous of Brazil


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On the basis of new collections from the Sergipe and Camamu (Bahia) basins, revision of previously described material from the Pernambuco-Paraiba Basin and a reassessment of previous descriptions, five species of the pectinid bivalve Neithea are described from the Cretaceous of northeastern Brazil: N. (N.) alpina (d'Orbigny, 1847) from the Albian of the Camamu Basin; N. (N.) coquandi (Peron, 1877) from the Aptian-Cenomanian of the Sergipe Basin, the Albian of the Camamu Basin, broadly mid-Cretaceous beds of the Tucano Sul Basin (Bahia), and the Cenomanian of the Sao Luis Basin (Maranhao); N. (N.) hispanica (d'Orbigny, 1850) from the Albian-lower Turonian of the Sergipe Basin; N. (N.) bexarensis (Stephenson, 1941) from the Campanian of the Pernambuco-Paraiba Basin; N. (Neithella) notabilis (Muensterin Goldfuss, 1833) from the Cenomanian of the Sergipe Basin. All species show a wide geographical distribution, in sharp contrast to previous studies that have indicated a highly endemic mollusc fauna in the Cretaceous of Brazil.
机译:根据来自塞尔希培州和卡马穆(巴伊亚)盆地的新收集物,对伯南布哥-帕拉伊巴盆地先前描述的材料进行了修订,并对先前的描述进行了重新评估,从巴西东北部的白垩纪描述了五种果胶双壳类奈瑟亚: N.(N.)alpina(d'Orbigny,1847年),来自卡马木盆地的Albian; N.(N.)coquandi(Peron,1877年),来自Sergipe盆地的Aptian-Cenomanian,Camamu盆地的Albian,Tucano Sul盆地(巴伊亚州)的白垩纪中层和圣路易斯的Cenomanian盆地(Maranhao); N.(N.)hispanica(d'Orbigny,1850年),来自Sergipe盆地的Albian-lower Turonian。 N.(N.)bexarensis(Stephenson,1941年),来自伯南布哥-帕拉伊巴流域的Campanian; N.(Neithella)notabilis(Muensterin Goldfuss,1833年),来自塞尔希培盆地的西诺曼尼亚。所有物种都显示出广泛的地理分布,与先前的研究形成鲜明对比,先前的研究表明巴西白垩纪有高度流行的软体动物。



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