首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >New Remains Of Eremotherium Laurillardi (lund, 1842) (megatheriidae, Xenarthra) From The Coastal Region Of Ecuador

New Remains Of Eremotherium Laurillardi (lund, 1842) (megatheriidae, Xenarthra) From The Coastal Region Of Ecuador

机译:厄瓜多尔沿海地区的Eurmotherium Laurillardi(1842)(Xenarthra megatheriidae)新遗迹

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New remains of Eremotherium were recovered from the Pacific coast of Ecuador's Manabi province. The Machalilla fossiliferous locality records the northernmost presence of Eremotherium along the Pacific coast of South America. Most of the fossil remains belong to the same individual, mainly its posterior half, but other individuals are represented. Among the better-preserved specimens are skull fragments, most of the hind limb bones and a number of trunk and caudal centra. These remains were compared with samples collected during the 20th century along the southern coastal regions of Ecuador and northern Peru. Many characters of the long bones and tarsals testify to a possibly different lineage despite the closeness of other Eremotherium populations. Some metric and morphological aspects suggest a different space-temporal southern Caribbean provenance. Other Eremotherium specimens, coming from other Ecuadorian localities, were studied and compared with classic Eremotherium samples. Interesting morpho-functional aspects are pointed out with regard to the tail and its importance in the bipedal stance.
机译:从厄瓜多尔马纳比省的太平洋沿岸发现了新的of遗。 Machalilla的化石位置记录了南美洲太平洋沿岸最北端的Eremotherium。大多数化石遗物属于同一个人,主要是其后半部分,但也有其他个人代表。保存最完好的标本中有头骨碎片,大部分后肢骨骼以及一些躯干和尾cent。将这些遗骸与20世纪在厄瓜多尔南部沿海地区和秘鲁北部收集的样本进行了比较。尽管其他Eremotherium种群很亲密,但长骨和的许多特征证明其谱系可能不同。一些度量和形态方面表明南部加勒比时空的起源不同。研究了厄瓜多尔其他地区的其他Eremotherium标本,并将其与经典Eremotherium样品进行了比较。指出了有关尾巴及其在两足动物姿势中的重要性的有趣的形态功能方面。



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