首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar geochronology of mafic volcanism in the back-arc region of the southern Puna plateau, Argentina

~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar geochronology of mafic volcanism in the back-arc region of the southern Puna plateau, Argentina

机译:阿根廷南普那高原弧后地区镁铁质火山活动的〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar地质年代学

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Late Cenozoic back-arc mafic volcanism in the southern Puna plateau of Argentina offers insights into the state of the mantle under the world's second largest continental plateau. Previous studies of the mafic magmas in this region proposed a scenario of mantle melting due to lithospheric delamination and/or steepening of the subducting slab. However, few of the centers have been precisely dated, which limits any geodynamic interpretation. We present results of laser incremental-heating ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of 22 back-arc centers in the southern Puna, with emphasis on the Salar de Antofalla region where volcanic activity was most intense. Three localities yielded ages between 7.3 and 7.0 Ma which, along with 2 previous 7 Ma ages, firmly establishes that back-arc activity began as early as late Miocene. Volcanism continued through the Pleistocene but the peak was in the early Pliocene. This result has important tectonic implications. If, as previously suggested, magma genesis is related to lithospheric delamination, this process was underway by the latest Miocene in the southern Puna. Furthermore, since the mafic back-arc volcanism is considered to mark a change in fault kinematics from compressional to transtensional, the new age constraints indicate that this change took place in the early Pliocene. The spatial and age distributions of the mafic centers indicate that magmatism began, and remained focussed in, a region between Salar de Antofalla and Cerro Galan. This concentration is probably structurally controlled, as it corresponds to the intersection of the NW-SE striking Archibarca lineament zone and the sets of NNE-SSW faults that run parallel to the Salar de Antofalla basin.
机译:阿根廷南部普纳高原的晚新生代后弧镁铁质火山作用提供了洞察世界第二大大陆高原下的地幔状态的信息。先前对该地区的镁铁质岩浆的研究提出了由于俯冲板块岩石圈分层和/或陡峭而导致地幔融化的情况。但是,很少有中心的日期准确,这限制了任何地球动力学解释。我们介绍了南普纳22个后弧中心的激光增量加热〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar测年的结果,重点是火山活动最激烈的Salar de Antofalla地区。三个地区的年龄介于7.3 Ma和7.0 Ma之间,再加上之前的2个7 Ma年龄,这牢固地证明了中弧活动最早始于中新世晚期。火山活动一直持续到更新世,但峰值出​​现在上新世早期。这一结果具有重要的构造意义。如果象以前所建议的那样,岩浆的发生与岩石圈的分层有关,那么这个过程是由南部普纳的最新中新世开始的。此外,由于铁镁质弧后火山作用被认为标志着断裂运动学从压缩向张性转变的变化,新的年龄限制表明这种变化发生在上新世早期。镁铁质中心的空间和年龄分布表明,岩浆作用开始并一直集中在萨拉特·德安托法拉和塞罗·加兰之间。该浓度可能在结构上受到控制,因为它对应于西北偏南碰撞的阿奇巴卡线区和平行于萨拉托德安托法拉盆地的北北南北向断裂的交集。



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