首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Long-lived Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the Serido-Jaguaribe domain, Borborema Province-NE Brazil

Long-lived Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the Serido-Jaguaribe domain, Borborema Province-NE Brazil


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The northeastern part of the Borborema Province is dominated by Paleoproterozoic migmatitic tonalitic to granitic orthogneisses (Caic6 Complex) that are the basement for younger, metavolcanosedimentary rock assemblages. Within this complex gneissified, porphyritic metagranitoid rocks (the G2-type augen gneisses) are fairly common and supposed to define a synorogenic magmatism at c. 2.0 Ga. New U-Pb (SHRIMP) on zircons and Sm-Nd data shows that these augen gneisses do not differ significantly from the metaplutonic rocks of the basement complex regarding their nature and emplacement age of the primary magmas. U-Pb ages cluster in a time interval between 2.17 and 2.25 Ga and are correlated with Nd parameters (older t_(dm )model ages and negative initial cNd values) indicating an origin from recycling of an older, probably Neoarchean crust. The regional host rocks that accommodate the augen gneiss could be c. 2.4-2.3 Ga supracrustal sequences presently preserved as small remnants in the Caico Complex. The Paleoproterozoic magmatic activity extends to the Late Paleoproterozoic with the intrusion of the Serra Negra pluton (now a coarse augen gneiss) which yielded a (semi) concordant U-Pb age of c. 1.75 Ga. This magmatic activity, until now unsuspected in the Caic6 Complex, was probably related to crustal extension and rifting over large areas that include the NE Brazil and the Nigerian shield in Africa.
机译:博尔博雷马省的东北部以古元古生代,成泥质至花岗正片麻岩(Caic6复合体)为主,后者是较年轻的变火山岩沉积岩石组合的基础。在这种复杂的片麻岩中,斑状的偏斜类岩石(G2型奥根片麻岩)相当普遍,并被认为在c处形成了同生岩浆作用。 2.0 Ga。锆石上的新U-Pb(SHRIMP)和Sm-Nd数据表明,这些奥金麻片麻岩在其初生岩浆的性质和沉积年龄方面与基底复合体的变质岩没有显着差异。 U-Pb年龄在2.17和2.25 Ga之间的时间间隔内聚类,并且与Nd参数(较旧的t_(dm)模型年龄和负的初始cNd值)相关联,这些参数指示了较旧的,可能是新太古代的地壳的再循环来源。容纳奥根片麻岩的区域性主岩可能是c。 2.4-2.3 Ga壳上层序目前被保留为凯科综合体中的小残留物。古元古代的岩浆活动随着塞拉内格拉岩体(现为粗奥金(Augen)片麻岩)的侵入而延伸到了古元古代晚期,产生了(半)一致的U-Pb年龄。 1.75 Ga。这种岩浆活动,直到现在仍未在Caic6复杂岩层中发现,可能与地壳扩展和裂谷有关,包括巴西东北部和非洲的尼日利亚盾构。



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