首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Sources of granite magmatism in the Embu Terrane (Ribeira Belt, Brazil): Neoproterozoic crust recycling constrained by elemental and isotope (Sr-Nd-Pb) geochemistry

Sources of granite magmatism in the Embu Terrane (Ribeira Belt, Brazil): Neoproterozoic crust recycling constrained by elemental and isotope (Sr-Nd-Pb) geochemistry


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Whole rock elemental and Sr-Nd isotope geochemistry and in situ K-feldspar Pb isotope geochemistry were used to identify the sources involved in the genesis of Neoproterozoic granites from the Embu Terrane, Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil. Granite magmatism spanned over 200 Ma (810-580 Ma), and is dominated by crust-derived relatively low-T (850-750 degrees C, zircon saturation) biotite granites to biotite-muscovite granites. Two Cryogenian plutons show the least negative epsilon Nd-t (-8 to -10) and highest mg# (30-40) of the whole set. Their compositions are strongly contrasted, implying distinct sources for the peraluminous (ASI similar to 1.2) similar to 660 Ma Serra do Quebra-Cangalha batholith (metasedimentary rocks from relatively young upper crust with high Rb/Sr and low Th/U) and the metaluminous (ASI = 0.96 -1.00) similar to 630 Ma Santa Catarina Granite. Although not typical, the geochemical signature of these granites may reflect a continental margin arc environment, and they could be products of a prolonged period of oceanic plate consumption started at similar to 810 Ma. The predominant Ediacaran (595-580 Ma) plutons have a spread of compositions from biotite granites with SiO2 as low as similar to 65% (e.g., Raped, Maua Sabauna and Lagoinha granites) to fractionated muscovite granites (Mogi das Cruzes, Santa Branca and Guacuri granites; up to similar to 75% SiO2). epsilon Nd-T are characteristically negative (-12 to -18), with corresponding Nd T-DM indicating sources with Paleoproterozoic mean crustal ages (2.0-2.5 Ga). The Guacuri and Santa Branca muscovite granites have the more negative epsilon Nd-t, highest Sr-87/Sr-86(t) (0.714-0.717) and lowest Pb-208/Pb-206 and (207)pb/(206)pb, consistent with an old metasedimentary source with low time-integrated Rb/Sr. However, a positive Nd-Sr isotope correlation is suggested by data from the other granites, and would be consistent with mixing between an older source predominant in the Maua granite and a younger, high Rb/Sr source that is more abundant in the Lagoinha granite sample. The Ediacaran granites are coeval with profuse granite magmatism attributed to continental arc magmatism in northern Ribeira and Aracual belts. However, their evolved compositions with low mg# and dominantly peraluminous character are unlike those of magmatic arc granites, and they are more likely products of post-collisional magmatism or correspond to an inner belt of crust-derived granites. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:利用整个岩石元素和Sr-Nd同位素地球化学以及原位K-长石Pb同位素地球化学来确定与巴西东南部Ribeira Belt的Embu Terrane的新元古代花岗岩成因有关的源。花岗岩岩浆作用范围超过200 Ma(810-580 Ma),主要受地壳衍生的相对较低T(850-750°C,锆石饱和)的黑云母花岗岩至黑云母-白云母花岗岩。在整个系统中,两个低温单体显示出最小的负εNd-t(-8至-10)和最高的mg#(30-40)。它们的成分形成强烈对比,暗示与660 Ma Serra do Quebra-Cangalha岩基(来自相对年轻的上地壳,高Rb / Sr和低Th / U的中成岩)和金属含铝的过铝(ASI类似于1.2)的不同来源(ASI = 0.96 -1.00)与630 Ma Santa Catarina Granite相似。尽管不是典型的,但这些花岗岩的地球化学特征可能反映了大陆边缘弧环境,并且它们可能是长时间洋洋板块消耗的产物,始于810 Ma。主要的Ediacaran(595-580 Ma)岩体的组成从SiO2含量低至65%的黑云母花岗岩(例如Raped,Maua Sabauna和Lagoinha花岗岩)到分馏白云母花岗岩(Mogi das Cruzes,Santa Branca和Guacuri花岗岩;高达75%的SiO2)。 εNd-T的特征是负值(-12至-18),相应的Nd T-DM表示古元古代地壳年龄(2.0-2.5 Ga)。 Guacuri和Santa Branca白云母花岗岩的负Nd-t值更大,Sr-87 / Sr-86(t)最高(0.714-0.717),最低Pb-208 / Pb-206和(207)pb /(206) pb,与具有低时间积分Rb / Sr的旧的沉积物来源一致。但是,其他花岗岩的数据表明Nd-Sr同位素呈正相关,这与Maua花岗岩中占主导地位的较旧来源与Lagoinha花岗岩中较丰富的较年轻的高Rb / Sr来源之间的混合相一致。样品。 Ediacaran花岗岩与广泛的花岗岩岩浆作用同时存在,这归因于北部Ribeira和Aracual带的大陆弧岩浆作用。但是,它们演化成的具有低mg#和主要为高铝质特征的成分与岩浆弧花岗岩不同,它们更可能是碰撞后岩浆作用的产物,或对应于地壳花岗岩的内部带。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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