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Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology and revised stratigraphy of the late Eocene Taxco volcanic field, southern Mexico

机译:墨西哥南部晚始新世塔斯科火山场的Ar-40 / Ar-39地质年代学和修订的地层

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The late Eocene Taxco volcanic succession constitutes an important record of explosive silicic volcanism in the north-central Sierra Madre del Sur of southern Mexico. Detailed stratigraphic studies with age dating of individual units in this area were lacking in spite of it being an important mining district. Re-examination of the stratigraphy together with geochronologic studies were used to define the eruptive style and constrain the age of the main episode of silicic activity.. Major element data show a rhyolitic composition for all the units analyzed. The volcanic succession records silicic explosive eruptions during which ash-flows, surge and ash-fall deposits, lava flows and domes were emplaced. Earliest activity was contemporary with the end of sediment accumulation of the continental Balsas Group. The first main episode of volcanic activity produced massive, moderately welded, crystal-poor lithic ignimbrites and ash-fall deposits, which evolved into crystal-rich, densely welded ignimbrites with flattened pumice clasts (San Gregorio ignimbrite) thought to represent erupted mush related to caldera collapse during emptying of the magma chamber. A second episode of non-welded, vapor-phase, indurated ignimbrites and surge deposits (Sombrerito ignimbrite), which are rich in pumice but crystal-poor, suggest volatile-rich magmatism and replenishment of the magma chamber by evolved magmas. Rhyolite emplaced in volcanic units of both episodes point to volatile-poor magmas during which rhyolite flows and domes formed.& para;& para;Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of the units, from the crystal-rich San Gregorio ignimbrite near the base of the succession to rhyolites at the top, has constrained the age of the Taxco volcanic field to a relatively short period between similar to 36 and 34.5 Ma. Most of the sanidine ages obtained are indistinguishable within error: the densely welded San Gregorio ignimbrite (34.75 +/- 0.26, 35.22 +/- 0.26 Ma) and the overlying Peral ignimbrite (35.29 +/- 0.41, 35.68 +/- 0.20). Plagioclase of the Teneria Formation rhyolites gave the same age within error (34.45 +/- 1.10, 34.94 +/- 0.34 Ma), documenting the end of the main volcanic episodes. A younger plagioclase age of 30.89 +/- 1.45 Ma of a dome near Tetipac gives evidence of later silicic magmatism in the area.& para;& para;The source of the ignimbrites of the Taxco region is inferred to be located in the Teneria area, where abundant rhyolite dome structures seem to obliterate the main caldera structure. Differences in age, mineralogy and geochemistry between the Taxco succession and nearby volcanic zones where caldera structures have been identified preclude sources in these areas. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:始新世Taxco火山的继承是墨西哥南部中北部Sierra Madre del Sur爆炸性硅质火山活动的重要记录。尽管该地区是重要的采矿区,但仍缺乏详细的地层学研究以及该地区各个单元的年代测年。地层学的重新审查和地质年代学研究一起用于定义喷发形式和限制硅质活动主发事件的年龄。主要元素数据显示了所分析所有单元的流纹岩成分。火山演替记录了硅质爆炸爆发,在此爆发期间形成了灰烬流,涌动和灰烬沉降,熔岩流和穹顶。最早的活动是当代的,随着大陆巴尔萨斯群沉积物的堆积结束。火山活动的第一个主要事件产生大量的,中等程度焊接的,晶体贫乏的岩性火成岩和火山灰沉积物,然后演变成富含晶体的密集焊接的火成岩,其浮岩屑扁平(San Gregorio ignimbrite)被认为是与火山喷发有关的火山喷发。在岩浆室排空期间破火山口塌陷。富含浮石但晶体贫乏的第二阶段非焊接,气相,硬结的火成岩和涌动沉积物(Sombrerito火成岩)表明,岩浆充满挥发性,岩浆充满,岩浆腔由演化的岩浆补充。在这两个时期的火山单元中放置的流纹岩均指向贫瘠的岩浆,在此期间流纹岩流动并形成了穹顶。¶¶ Ar-40 / Ar-39的年代,来自附近晶体丰富的San Gregorio火成岩。顶部流纹岩的继承基础将塔斯科火山场的年龄限制在一个相对较短的时期,类似于36至34.5 Ma。获得的大多数Sanidine年龄在误差范围内是无法区分的:密集焊接的San Gregorio火成岩(34.75 +/- 0.26,35.22 +/- 0.26 Ma)和上覆的Peral火成岩(35.29 +/- 0.41,35.68 +/- 0.20)。 Teneria组流纹岩的斜长石年龄在误差范围内(34.45 +/- 1.10,34.94 +/- 0.34 Ma),表明主要的火山爆发已经结束。 Tetipac附近一个圆顶的年龄为30.89 +/- 1.45 Ma的较年轻斜长石年龄表明该地区后来发生了硅质岩浆作用。¶¶ Tasco地区的火成岩来源据推测位于Teneria地区。 ,丰富的流纹岩圆顶结构似乎掩盖了火山口的主要结构。塔斯科(Taxco)演替与附近火山区之间的年龄,矿物学和地球化学差异已经确定了破火山口的构造,因此这些地区的来源不存在。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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