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Copyright: interpretinq the law for libraries, archives and information services Copyright for archivists and records managers Practical copyright for library and information professionals


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The publication of the three books listed above is a very welcome development, as there have been significant changes to EU and UK copyright legislation since the last editions of these titles were published. Cornish and Padfield are in their 6th and 5th editions, respectively, and Pedley has written several books on copyright and other aspects of the law relating to archives and records. Facet Publishing have branded these titles as part of a wider'Copyright Classics'series: a fitting term given how much the sector has come to rely on the guidance provided by these authors. They are all members of the Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance, with significant amounts of experience dealing with copyright issues through practice, lobbying policy-makers, and providing training to the archive, library and information management sectors.
机译:上面列出的三本书的出版是非常令人欢迎的发展,因为自从这些出版物的最新版本发布以来,欧盟和英国的版权立法已经发生了重大变化。康沃尔(Cornish)和帕德菲尔德(Padfield)分别是第六版和第五版,佩德利(Pedley)写了几本有关版权和与档案和记录有关的法律其他方面的书。 Facet Publishing已将这些标题标记为更广泛的“版权经典”系列的一部分:鉴于该行业在很大程度上依赖这些作者提供的指导,因此是一个合适的术语。他们都是图书馆和档案馆版权联盟的成员,通过实践,游说政策制定者以及为档案馆,图书馆和信息管理部门提供培训,在处理版权问题方面拥有大量经验。



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