首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >The Buddha's 'skill in means' and the genesis of the Jive aggregate teaching Winner of the 2nd Professor Mary Boyce Award

The Buddha's 'skill in means' and the genesis of the Jive aggregate teaching Winner of the 2nd Professor Mary Boyce Award


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The problem tackled in this article is ambitious. Through examination of how certain fundamental teachings of the Buddha originated - the author argues that those teachings must indeed go back to the Buddha himself. Thus the author builds a chain of argument which creates hypothetical links rather than declaring 'a priori' that links and connection cannot be established.rnThis article argues that the Alagaddupama Sutta, an important early Buddhist text, portrays the Buddha in the process of formulating his thoughts. If so it contradicts the myth that the Buddha awakened to the entire Buddhist Dharma on one occasion, and should be dated to the fourth century bce. Such an antiquity, and peculiar didactic structure suggests that the text contains authentic teachings of the Buddha.
机译:本文解决的问题是雄心勃勃的。通过研究佛陀的某些基本教法是如何产生的,作者认为这些教法确实必须追溯到佛陀本人。因此,作者建立了一个论证链,该论证链建立了假想的联系,而不是宣称无法建立联系和联系的“先验”。rn本文认为,重要的早期佛教经文Alagaddupama Sutta在塑造佛陀的过程中刻画了佛陀。的想法。如果是这样的话,那就与佛陀一次唤醒整个佛教佛法的神话相矛盾,应该追溯到公元前四世纪。这种古老而奇特的教学结构表明该经文包含了佛陀的真实教teaching。



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