首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon, 2800-2200 BCE

Kingship in the Early Mesopotamian Onomasticon, 2800-2200 BCE


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The personal names preserved from cuneiform texts constitute a wealth of unique importance for the study of ancient Mesopotamia. They offer a perspective on society and beliefs different from that available from other sources. It is furthermore a wealth that continues to grow year by year! In this thorough study of a specific subset of names from the third millennium BC Jakob Andersson gives us an up to date and thorough analysis of the corpus of names which include the element "king" - lugal in Sumerian, sarrum in Akkadian - in their composition. As Andersson demonstrates, this proves a rich field.
机译:从楔形文字中保留的个人名称对古代美索不达米亚的研究具有独特的重要性。他们对社会和信仰的看法不同于其他来源。此外,财富还在继续逐年增长!在对公元前三千年特定名称子集的详尽研究中,雅各布·安德森(Jakob Andersson)为我们提供了最新的名称集并对其进行了详尽的分析,其中包括“国王”元素-苏美尔语中的lugal,阿卡德语中的sarrum-成分。正如安德森(Andersson)所展示的,这是一个广阔的领域。



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