首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Aurangzeb as Iconoclast? Vaishnava Accounts of the Krishna images' Exodus from Braj

Aurangzeb as Iconoclast? Vaishnava Accounts of the Krishna images' Exodus from Braj


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This paper studies how Brajbhasa Vaishnava narratives describe the role the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb played in the displacement of Krishna images from the Braj heartland in the 1660s and 1670s. While contemporary discourse frequently suggests that the emperor was a villain persecuting beloved Hindu deities, who in turn are victims forcibly moved from their original homeland, the early-modern vernacular narratives we consider here perceive these peregrinations in rather more complex ways. This article foregrounds the case of the best-known dispersed Krishna image: Sri Nathaji, a deity of the Vallabha-Sampradaya, now residing in the Mewar area of Rajasthan. It analyses mostly the discourse of the Sri Nathajt ki Prakatya-Varta, or 'The story of the Appearance of Sri Nathaji', attributed to Vallabha's descendant, Harirdy. The sectarian logic presents Aurangzeb as an ardent, if uncouth, devotee and Sri Nathajt as an autonomous agent, not a victim, but rather a victor.
机译:本文研究Brajbhasa Vaishnava的叙事如何描述莫卧儿皇帝奥兰则布在1660和1670年代从Braj心脏地带移走克里希纳影像时所起的作用。尽管当代话语经常表明皇帝是迫害着心爱的印度教神灵的恶棍,而这些神灵又是被迫从原籍国迁出的受害者,但我们在这里认为的早期现代白话叙事以相当复杂的方式理解了这些游荡。本文以最著名的克里希纳(Krishna)弥散图像为例:斯里纳塔吉(Sri Nathaji),瓦尔拉巴-桑普拉达亚(Vallabha-Sampradaya)的神灵,现在居住在拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)的Mewar地区。它主要分析了斯里纳塔吉特ki Prakatya-Varta的话语,或称“斯里纳塔吉的外表故事”,这归因于瓦尔拉巴的后裔哈里迪。宗派逻辑表明,奥兰则布是一位热心的奉献者,而斯里·纳塔赫特则是一个自治的代理人,不是受害者,而是胜利者。



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