首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Religion and Health >Loving Thyself: A Kohutian Interpretation of a “Limited” Mature Narcissism in Evangelical Megachurches

Loving Thyself: A Kohutian Interpretation of a “Limited” Mature Narcissism in Evangelical Megachurches


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Evangelical megachurches across the United States provide a subculture for core and committed members who immerse themselves in these communities of faith. This article argues that American evangelical megachurches fail to mitigate “the narcissism epidemic” in the dominant secular culture. Using object relations theory, I discuss splitting as a psychological foundation for narcissism, and I employ Heinz Kohut’s self-psychology to analyze idealized, mirroring, and twinning self-objects in evangelical megachurches. Finally, given Kohut’s categories for a mature narcissism, I find that Evangelicals achieve creativity, empathy, transience, humor, and wisdom, in part, but their ideological frameworks, organizational characteristics, and beliefs challenge a transformation to mature narcissism.
机译:美国各地的福音派大型教堂为沉迷于这些信仰社区的核心成员和奉献者提供了亚文化。本文认为,美国福音派大型教堂无法缓解主流世俗文化中的“自恋型流行病”。利用客体关系理论,我讨论了分裂作为自恋的心理学基础,并且我利用海因茨·科胡特(Heinz Kohut)的自我心理学来分析福音派大教会中的理想化,镜像化和孪生化的自我客体。最后,考虑到Kohut的成熟自恋类别,我发现福音派在某种程度上实现了创造力,同理心,瞬变,幽默和智慧,但是他们的思想框架,组织特征和信念对向成熟的自恋者的转变提出了挑战。



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