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The Barefoot Spirit: How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built America's #1 Wine Brand


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It is hard to believe that such an iconic brand as Barefoot Wines began as a start-up in a laundry room of a rented farmhouse in the Sonoma County hills. Even more surprising is that the people who started it were just an average business couple with no money and no real knowledge about the wine industry. What is not a surprise is that because of their lack of experience and the complicated nature of the wine industry, they ran into difficulties and setbacks that regularly put the brand near death in its first two decades. What kept it going was an unshakable belief in Barefoot's potential, use of universal business principles, and the founders' never-say-die outlook despite facing one seemingly insurmountable hurdle after another. Those hardships, that hustle, and their heart, are the essence of the Barefoot Spirit. This book traces the history and tells the story of how an unknown novelty wine became an American icon. It chronicles the unlikely events that made success possible, laying out the cornerstone business and lifestyle philosophies that made Barefoot an enduring brand. This is not a dry business text; the lessons are woven into a 20-year business adventure story that's inspiring, amazing, and entertaining. It's a case study, an idea book, an uncommon peek behind the curtain of the wine business, and a snapshot of the American spirit, West Coast style.
机译:很难相信像Barefoot Wines这样的标志性品牌是在索诺玛县山上一间租来的农舍的洗衣房里创办的。更令人惊讶的是,创立它的人只是一对普通的业务夫妇,没有钱,也没有对葡萄酒行业的真正了解。不足为奇的是,由于缺乏经验和葡萄酒行业的复杂性,他们遇到了困难和挫折,经常使该品牌在成立的前二十年濒临死亡。坚持下去的原因是,尽管面对着一个似乎难以克服的障碍,但对赤足的潜力,使用通用商业原则以及创始人的永不言弃的前景有着不可动摇的信念。那些艰辛的生活和他们的内心,是赤足精神的精髓。这本书追溯了历史,并讲述了一个未知的新颖葡萄酒如何成为美国偶像的故事。它记录了使成功成为可能的不大可能发生的事件,奠定了使Barefoot成为持久品牌的基础业务和生活方式理念。这不是枯燥的商业文字;这些课程被编织成一个20年的商业冒险故事,该故事令人鼓舞,令人惊叹且有趣。这是一个案例研究,一本创意书,一次不寻常的窥视葡萄酒生意的幕后故事,以及美国精神,西海岸风格的快照。



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