
Alfred Pancoast Boiler


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Boiler was one of the post-Civil War giants in the bridge-building field. Along with men like Jacob Hays Linville, Charles Macdonald, T. C. Clarke, C. Shaler Smith, Charles Kellogg, Octave Chanute, George Morison, C. C. Schneider, Theodore Cooper, and Gustav Lindenthal, he created the modern steel bridge. He specialized in swing bridges, designing the longest of the type at the time. He also designed the longest cantilever bridge and the longest simple span bridge. In 1909, he had plans accepted for building the second longest steel arch in the world across the Harlem River in honor of the 300th anniversary of Henry Hudson's voyage up the Hudson River. He was one of the few bridge builders who urged his colleagues to pay more attention to the beauty of their bridges.
机译:锅炉厂是内战后桥梁建造领域的巨头之一。他与雅各布·海斯·林维尔,查尔斯·麦克唐纳,T.C。克拉克,C。沙勒·史密斯,查尔斯·凯洛格,Octave Chanute,乔治·莫里森,C。施耐德,西奥多·库珀和古斯塔夫·林登塔尔等人一起,创建了现代钢桥。他专门从事吊桥设计,当时设计的是最长的。他还设计了最长的悬臂桥和最长的简单跨度桥。 1909年,为了纪念亨利·哈德森(Henry Hudson)在哈德逊河上航行300周年,他制定了在哈林河上建造世界上第二长的钢拱的计划。他是为数不多的敦促他的同事们更多关注其桥梁美丽的桥梁建造者之一。



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