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Sustainable Engineering Assessment Using Rubric-Based Analysis of Challenge Question Responses


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A method to evaluate students' application of sustainability principles into engineering design and problem solving was developed. Students were presented with two challenge questions that each posed a scenario. Students responded to one question and their answers were scored using a rubric that combined both analytic and holistic scoring criteria to account for sustainability principles. The rubric was iteratively developed and met standard measures of reliability and validity. Based on responses from primarily civil and environmental engineering students at three institutions, it was found that male students, seniors, and participants in many diverse learning activities (extracurricular service, internships, undergraduate research, and engineering design courses) achieved higher rubric scores. Scores on the challenge questions did not correlate to students' interests in sustainable engineering, which were measured using a Likert-based survey. A challenge-question approach to formative assessment may enable instructors to adapt curricula to foster student learning of implicit sustainability issues in engineering. The rubric may be used with a diversity of content-focused challenge questions as a tool for assessing students' holistic, sustainability-focused approaches to engineering. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
机译:提出了一种评估学生将可持续性原则应用于工程设计和解决问题的方法。向学生提出了两个挑战性问题,每个问题都构成了一个场景。学生回答了一个问题,并使用综合了分析和整体评分标准的评分标准对可持续性原则进行了评分。专栏是经过反复开发的,并达到了信度和效度的标准度量。根据三个机构的主要土木和环境工程专业学生的回答,发现男生,年长者和参加各种学习活动(课外服务,实习,本科生研究和工程设计课程)的参与者获得了较高的专栏成绩。挑战性问题的分数与学生对可持续工程的兴趣不相关,后者是使用基于李克特的调查来衡量的。形成性评估的挑战性方法可以使讲师适应课程设置,以促进学生学习工程学中隐含的可持续性问题。该规则可以与各种以内容为中心的挑战性问题一起使用,作为评估学生针对工程学的整体,以可持续性为重点的方法的工具。 (C)2014年美国土木工程师学会。



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