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This issue opens with an email conversation between Amy Allen, Rainer Forst and Mark Haugaard, which explores the relationship between the dyads of power and reason, on one hand, and justice and domination, on the other. In the Weberian tradition (1978) (and in everyday discourse), power is usually coupled with domination, and both are considered the opposite of reason. In this respect, Pettit's formulation (1997) of power as arbitrary interference would be paradigmatic - arbitrary suggesting unreason. However, as the Allen, Forst and Haugaard agree, power works through the reasoned agency of other. Nietzsche and Foucault also observe this link and conclude that reason is a subtle ruse of domination. However, to Allen, Forst and Haugaard this constitutes an over-simplification. Reason can be emancipatory, and power is not necessarily normatively negative. As a social phenomenon, power is normatively neutral, thus the couplet power/reason can either lead to justice or to domination. The institutionalization of normatively just power entails a system of justice, while the institutionalization of unjust power constitutes domination. If reason is the tool of power with the potential for either justice or domination, how do we normatively distinguish the two uses of reason-to-power?
机译:这个问题的开头是艾米·艾伦(Amy Allen),赖纳·福斯特(Rainer Forst)和马克·豪加德(Mark Haugaard)之间的电子邮件对话,该对话一方面探讨了权力与理性的双重性,另一方面又与正义与统治之间的关系。在韦伯式的传统(1978年)中(以及日常讨论中),权力通常与统治相结合,并且两者都被认为与理性相反。在这方面,佩蒂特将权力(1997)表述为任意干扰将是范式的-任意暗示不合理。但是,正如艾伦(Allen),福斯特(Forst)和豪加德(Haugaard)所同意的那样,权力是通过他人的合理代理来运作的。尼采(Nietzsche)和福柯(Fouucault)也观察到这种联系,并得出结论,原因是对统治的微妙欺骗。但是,对于艾伦,福斯特和豪加德来说,这构成了过分简化。理性可以是解放的,权力不一定是规范性的消极的。作为一种社会现象,权力在规范上是中立的,因此,对联的权力/理由可能导致正义或统治。规范性正义权力的制度化需要司法制度,而不公正权力的制度化则构成统治。如果理性是具有正义或统治潜力的权力工具,那么我们如何规范地区分理性权力的两种用途?



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