首页> 外文期刊>Journal of power sources >Gaston Plante and his invention of the lead-acid battery-The genesis of the first practical rechargeable battery

Gaston Plante and his invention of the lead-acid battery-The genesis of the first practical rechargeable battery

机译:加斯顿·普兰特(Gaston Plante)和他的铅酸电池的发明-第一个实用的可充电电池的起源

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In 1860, the Frenchman Gaston Plante (1834-1889) invented the first practical version of a rechargeable battery based on lead-acid chemistry-the most successful secondary battery of all ages. This article outlines Plante's fundamental concepts that were decisive for later development of practical lead-acid batteries. The 'pile secondaire' was indeed ahead its time in that an appropriate appliance for charging the accumulator was not available. The industrial success came after the invention of the Gramme machine. In 1879, Plante obtained acceptance for his work by publishing a book entitled Recherches sur l'Electricite. He never protected his inventions by patents, and spent much of his fortune on assisting impoverished scientists.
机译:1860年,法国人加斯顿·普兰特(Gaston Plante,1834-1889年)发明了基于铅酸化学的可充电电池的第一个实用版本,这是有史以来最成功的二次电池。本文概述了Plante的基本概念,这些概念对于以后开发实用的铅酸电池至关重要。 “二次堆”确实比它的时代领先,因为没有合适的设备来为蓄电池充电。 Gramme机器的发明是工业上的成功。 1879年,普兰特出版了一本名为《 Recherches sur l'Electricite》的书,获得了作品的认可。他从来没有通过专利保护自己的发明,而是将大部分时间都花在了帮助贫困的科学家上。



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