首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Poverty >Personal Retirement Accounts & the American Welfare State: A Study of Income Volatility and Socioeconomic Status as Correlates of PRA Support

Personal Retirement Accounts & the American Welfare State: A Study of Income Volatility and Socioeconomic Status as Correlates of PRA Support


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Based on a sample (n = 6,407) from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1979 cohort, this study found a sizable majority (69.1%) of support to replace a portion of Social Security with Private Retirement Accounts. Logistic regression analysis showed that SES was a robust predictor of PRA support, particularly for upper class vs. lower class respondents. Findings suggested that there may be less support for a major pillar of welfare state social provisioning, despite successful Congressional attempts to block related legislation to date, especially since the opinions of more affluent persons tend to have greater resonance with policymakers than those of lower income individuals.
机译:根据1979年全国青年纵向调查的样本(n = 6,407),该研究发现相当大的支持(69.1%)支持用私人退休帐户代替部分社会保障。 Logistic回归分析表明,SES是PRA支持的有力预测指标,尤其是对于上层阶级与下层阶级受访者。调查结果表明,尽管国会迄今已成功地阻止了相关立法,但对福利国家社会供给的主要支柱的支持可能较少,特别是因为富裕人士的意见往往比低收入者的意见更能引起政策制定者的共鸣。 。



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