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Do Foreign Exchange Markets Still Trend?


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In the early years of floating exchange rates, the major currency rates versus the U.S. dollar trended, providing an extended opportunity for traders to use technical trend-following rules and to profit handsomely. The data we present suggest that it took 20 years before trend-following profits were substantially eliminated in the major currencies. Park and Irwin [2005] present similar results in other futures market contracts. Yet the poor prospects for profits have not deterred many foreign exchange traders from continuing technical analysis. Perhaps traders have come to use more sophisticated technical models based on more complex relationships or applied at higher frequencies, minute-by-minute or second-by-second. Or perhaps astute traders have moved to the road less traveled, what we have called the exotic currencies. It may take far less time for the exotics to become weak-form efficient. Indeed there is some evidence they are already responsible for lower returns from trend-trading than before, but the recent trading profits for exotic currencies are still attractive. There remain some perplexing dilemmas. First, why did it take 20 years for profits on trend-following to be eliminated in the major dollar exchange rates? Second, and more relevant to practitioners, is how long we can expect the exotic currencies to continue to trend, now that the positive results of speculating in them have been documented and published.
机译:在浮动汇率的早期,主要货币对美元的汇率趋于趋势,这为交易者提供了使用技术跟踪趋势规则并丰厚获利的扩展机会。我们提供的数据表明,主要货币在遵循趋势的利润被完全消除之前,花费了20年的时间。 Park和Irwin [2005]在其他期货市场合约中也得出了类似的结果。然而,糟糕的获利前景并未阻止许多外汇交易者继续进行技术分析。也许交易者已经开始基于更复杂的关系使用更复杂的技术模型,或者以更高的频率(每分钟或每秒)应用。也许是精明的交易者走上了人迹罕至的道路,我们称之为异国货币。外来物种成为弱形式有效的时间可能要少得多。确实有一些证据表明,它们已经为趋势交易带来了比以前更低的回报,但最近异国货币的交易利润仍然具有吸引力。仍然存在一些困惑的困境。首先,为什么在主要美元汇率中消除趋势跟随利润要花20年的时间?其次,与实践者更相关的是,既然已经记录和发布了对外国货币投机的积极结果,我们可以预期多长时间外来货币将继续发展。



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