首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Polymers and the Environment >Development of Multilayer Films Obtained From Epoxidized Methyl Esters, Polyhydroxyalkanoates and Their Combinations

Development of Multilayer Films Obtained From Epoxidized Methyl Esters, Polyhydroxyalkanoates and Their Combinations


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The aim of this work was the production and characterization of films prepared from starch, gelatin and methyl esters of epoxidized macauba (Acrocomia aculeata), corn (Zea mays), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) and soybean (Glycine max) and also multilayer films of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) conjugated with two of the epoxides that presented the best results in characterizations. The two types of films EEF (Epoxidized esters films) and EEFPHA (Epoxidized esters and PHA conjugated films) were both characterized for their visual aspects, solubility in water and acid, width, color, opacity, water vapor permeability, tensile strength and elongation. EEFPHA were also characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses. The epoxidation reaction was successfully carried out; with the GC-MS analysis indicating the formation of epoxidized esters derived from linoleic and oleic acids. The addition of the epoxidized esters to the EEF films caused an increase in film thickness, opacity, solubility in water, tensile strength and elongation, while the solubility in acid presented the same value as compared to the blank sample. In the EEFPHA samples, addition of filmogenic solution of epoxidized esters from corn and macauba presented a value exceeding the standard in the thickness, opacity, water solubility, water vapor permeability and tensile strength analyses. In the analysis of solubility in acid these samples showed results below the standard, and the elongation test showed values very close. DSC, SEM and XRD results showed that there was a polymeric incorporation between the starch and the PHA.
机译:这项工作的目的是生产和表征膜,该膜是由淀粉,明胶和环氧化的Macauba(Acrocomia aculeata),玉米(Zea mays),pacu(Piaractus mesopotamicus),甲酯,Pintado(Pseudoplatystoma corruscans)和大豆(Glycine max)制成的。 )以及与两种环氧化物共轭的聚羟基链烷酸酯(PHA)多层膜,在表征方面表现出最好的结果。两种类型的薄膜EEF(环氧酯薄膜)和EEFPHA(环氧酯与PHA共轭薄膜)的外观均在水,酸中溶解度,宽度,颜色,不透明性,水蒸气渗透性,拉伸强度和伸长率方面得到了表征。 EEFPHA的特征还在于差示扫描量热法,扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射分析。环氧化反应成功进行; GC-MS分析表明衍生自亚油酸和油酸的环氧化酯的形成。向EEF膜中添加环氧化酯会导致膜厚度,不透明度,在水中的溶解度,拉伸强度和伸长率增加,而在酸中的溶解度与空白样品相比显示相同的值。在EEFPHA样品中,从玉米和马卡巴中形成的环氧化酯的成膜溶液的添加在厚度,不透明度,水溶性,水蒸气渗透性和抗张强度分析方面均超过了标准。在酸中的溶解度分析中,这些样品显示出低于标准的结果,并且伸长率测试显示出非常接近的值。 DSC,SEM和XRD结果表明,淀粉和PHA之间存在聚合物结合。



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