首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plankton Research >Diel vertical migration and feeding of three species of chaetognaths (Flaccisagitta enflata, Aidanosagitta delicata and Aidanosagitta neglecta) in two shallow, subtropical bays in Hong Kong

Diel vertical migration and feeding of three species of chaetognaths (Flaccisagitta enflata, Aidanosagitta delicata and Aidanosagitta neglecta) in two shallow, subtropical bays in Hong Kong


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The diel behavior and feeding ecology of three coexisting species of chaetognaths in two shallow subtropical bays in the northeastern part of Hong Kong were studied in summer 2005 and winter 2005–2006. Average densities of adult Flaccisagitta enflata, Aidanosagitta delicata and Aidanosagitta neglecta ranged from 21 to 48 ind. m−3 in the semi-enclosed Tolo Harbour, but densities of the two Aidanosagitta species were low in Mirs Bay, which is deeper and opens into the South China Sea. Adult F. enflata, the largest of the three species, exhibited the most pronounced diel vertical migration (DVM) and diel feeding rhythm. The smaller juvenile F. enflata and adult A. delicata did not exhibit DVM. Although copepods were the most abundant component of the mesozooplankton, they were not preferred prey of chaetognaths. Predation impacts on copepods were generally 0.3% of the standing stock. Larvaceans, on the other hand, were highly preferred, with predation impact as high as 30%. As prey abundances in Tolo Harbour could be 9 × 104 ind. m−3, there was no evidence of resource partitioning behavior by the coexisting chaetognaths.
机译:在2005年夏季和2005-2006年冬季,研究了香港东北部两个浅亚热带海湾中三种并存的石嘴鱼的diel行为和摄食生态。成年Flaccisagitta enflata,Aidanosagitta delicata和Aidanosagitta neglecta的平均密度范围为21到48 ind。在半封闭的吐露港中m −3 ,但是Mirs湾中两个Aidanosagitta物种的密度很低,而Mirs湾更深并通向南中国海。成年F. enflata是三个物种中最大的一个,表现出最明显的diel垂直迁移(DVM)和diel饲养节奏。较小的少年F. enflata和成年A. delicata没有DVM。尽管co足类动物是中层浮游动物中最丰富的组成部分,但它们并不是石斑鱼的首选猎物。捕食对d足类动物的影响通常小于常规种群的0.3%。另一方面,幼虫被高度推荐,其掠食影响高达> 30%。由于吐露港的猎物丰富度可能是> 9×10 4 ind。 m −3 ,没有证据表明并存的石斑鱼具有资源分配行为。



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