首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >Tracer Leakage from Modeled Agulhas Rings

Tracer Leakage from Modeled Agulhas Rings


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In a numerical, isopycnal, ocean model the mixing is investigated with the environment of two idealized Agulhas rings, one that splits, and one that remains coherent. The evolution of a passive tracer, initially contained within the rings, shows that tracer leakage is associated with the formation of filaments in the early stage of ring evolution. These filaments reach down to the thermocline. In the deepest layers leakage occurs on a larger scale. Self-advection of the rings is very irregular, and it is not possible to compute a Lagrangian boundary in order to estimate the transport of leakage from the rings. To describe the processes that govern tracer leakage, in a coordinate frame moving with the ring a kinematic separatrix is defined in the streamfunction field for the nondivergent flow. Initially, filaments arise because of the elongation of the ring, which is mainly governed by an m = 2 instability that is collaborating with differential rotation. Because of beta, the symmetry is destroyed related to the separatrix associated with a stagnation point in the flow. The filament upstream of the stagnation point grows much faster and is associated with the bulk of tracer leakage. Mixing is enhanced by time dependence of the separatrix. As a result, there are no large differences between the leakage from a coherent ring, where the m = 2 instability equilibrates, and from a splitting ring, where the m = 2 instability keeps growing, which confirms that the amount of leakage is mainly governed by the ring's initial deformation combined with unsteady self-advection of the ring and not by the splitting of the ring. The decay of tracer content in the thermocline shows that in the first months up to 40% of the ring water can be mixed with the environment. In deeper layers the decay of tracer content may reach up to 90%.
机译:在数值相等的海洋模型中,在两个理想化的Agulhas环的环境下研究了混合,一个环分裂,一个环保持连贯。最初包含在环中的无源示踪剂的演化表明,示踪剂泄漏与环演化早期的细丝形成有关。这些细丝到达热线。在最深的层中,较大程度地发生泄漏。环的自对流是非常不规则的,并且不可能计算拉格朗日边界来估计环的泄漏传输。为了描述控制示踪剂泄漏的过程,在随环移动的坐标系中,在流函数字段中定义了非分离流的运动分离。最初,由于环的伸长而出现细丝,这主要是由与差速旋转配合的m = 2不稳定性所决定的。由于存在beta,与与流中的停滞点相关的分离线有关的对称性遭到破坏。停滞点上游的灯丝生长快得多,并且与大量示踪剂泄漏有关。分离的时间依赖性增强了混合。结果,相干环(m = 2的不稳定性达到平衡)和裂环(m = 2的不稳定性一直在增长)之间的泄漏之间没有太大差异,这证实了主要控制泄漏量环的初始变形加上环的非平稳对流,而不是环的分裂。示温线中示踪剂含量的下降表明,在最初的几个月中,多达40%的环水中可以与环境混合。在更深的层中,示踪剂含量的衰减可能达到90%。



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