首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >Interplay of Wind Forcing and Buoyant Discharge off Montauk Point: Seasonal Changes to Velocity Structure and a Coastal Front

Interplay of Wind Forcing and Buoyant Discharge off Montauk Point: Seasonal Changes to Velocity Structure and a Coastal Front


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Seasonal-mean currents in fall, winter, and spring on the bathymetrically complex continental shelf 15-65 m deep off Montauk Point, outside Block Island Sound, are analyzed using moored profiling current-meter records from a 2.5-yr period. A sharp boundary, or coastal front, occurs where strong, shallow, generally southwestward flow that weakens nearly linearly with increasing depth meets deeper flow nearly opposite in direction (fall/winter) or markedly weaker (spring). Velocities veer clockwise (counterclockwise) with increasing depth inshore (offshore) of the front. Evidence is presented that thermal wind balance holds without major frictional modification: it accounts for the veering, and the seasonal-mean horizontal density gradients it implies are generally toward the southeast quadrant in agreement with limited hydrographic measurements. Substantial seasonal changes in flow and frontal attributes occur because of the interplay of annual cycles in wind forcing and buoyant discharge. In fall and winter, upwelling-favorable wind causes nearshore setdown of sea surface height and an inshore-directed barotropic pressure gradient: shallow down-coast (alongshore to the south and west) currents weaken, and deep currents are up-coast. In spring, buoyant discharge peaks and winds weaken: shallow down-coast flow strengthens and deep flow weakens. The front extends to the seafloor, with attachment depth shallowest in winter, deepest in spring, and intermediate in fall; its width is smaller in fall than in winter. Buoyant discharge theory based on bottom boundary layer density advection dynamics captures these seasonal shifts. Cross-shelf circulation includes offshore (onshore) shallow (deep) motion; deep onshore motion appears enhanced near a canyon and persistent through all three seasons, suggesting wind-driven upwelling is not solely responsible.
机译:使用2.5年期间的系泊剖面电流表记录,分析了位于布洛克岛峡外Montauk Point深度15-65 m的,复杂的大陆测深架上的秋季,冬季和春季的季节性平均流量。在强的,浅的,通常向西南的流动随深度的增加而呈线性减弱的情况下,会遇到一个陡峭的边界或沿海前沿,而该强烈的,浅的,通常为西南的流动会遇到与方向相反的较深的流动(秋季/冬季)或明显较弱的流动(春季)。速度沿顺时针(逆时针)转向,且前部的近海(近海)深度增加。有证据表明,热风平衡保持不变,没有发生重大的摩擦变化:它说明了转向,并且与有限的水文测量结果一致,它暗示的季节性平均水平密度梯度通常朝东南象限。由于强迫和浮力排放中年周期的相互作用,导致流量和额叶属性发生明显的季节性变化。在秋季和冬季,上升气流有利于造成近海海平面高度下降,并引起沿岸定向的正压梯度:浅层下流(南北沿岸)洋流减弱,深层流为上流。在春季,旺盛的排放高峰和风减弱:向下的浅滩流增强,而深流减弱。前缘延伸到海底,附着深度在冬季最浅,在春季最深,在秋天为中间。秋天的宽度小于冬天的宽度。基于底部边界层密度对流动力学的浮力排放理论捕获了这些季节性变化。跨架循环包括海上(陆上)浅(深)运动;在峡谷附近,深水陆运动似乎增强了,并且在所有三个季节中都持续存在,这表明风速上升并不是唯一的原因。



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