首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pest Science >Behavioral responses, rate of mortality, and oviposition of western cherry fruit fly exposed to malathion, zeta-cypermethrin, and spinetoram

Behavioral responses, rate of mortality, and oviposition of western cherry fruit fly exposed to malathion, zeta-cypermethrin, and spinetoram


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Western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of sweet and tart cherry, Prunus avium L. (L.) and P. cerasus L., respectively, in western North America. This fly is commonly controlled with spinosad bait sprays. Spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is potentially a new pest of cherries in this region that could be a threat to orchards at the same time as R. indifferens. Drosophila suzukii apparently is not controlled using spinosad bait sprays, but may potentially be controlled using malathion, zeta-cypermethrin, and spinetoram. However, how well these last three materials protect fruit against reproductively mature R. indifferens is not known. In laboratory observations, R. indifferens spent the least amount of time on cherries treated with zeta-cypermethrin, possibly because of its toxicity and irritant effects. In laboratory experiments, zeta-cypermethrin killed flies more quickly than malathion and spinetoram, causing up to 100% mortality 2 h after exposure. Zeta-cypermethrin prevented all oviposition when flies walked on dried residues for 20–25 min or were directly sprayed, and then exposed to cherries with dried residues, simulating exposure of mature female flies in a treated orchard. Malathion and spinetoram reduced oviposition compared with controls, but did not prevent it, when flies contacted residues or were directly sprayed at a high volume. Results suggest zeta-cypermethrin is the most effective of the three materials at protecting cherries against mature R. indifferens and could be used in an integrated control program for it and D. suzukii.
机译:西方樱桃实蝇Rhagoletis indifferens Curran(双翅目:Tephritidae)是甜和酸樱桃的害虫,分别位于北美西部的Prunus avium L.(L.)和P. cerasus L.。通常用多杀菌素诱饵喷雾来控制苍蝇。斑翅果蝇(Drosophila suzukii Matsumura)可能是该地区樱桃的一种新害虫,可能与无花果李子同时威胁果园。铃木果蝇显然不能用多杀菌素诱饵喷雾来控制,但可能有可能使用马拉硫磷,zeta-氯氰菊酯和多杀菌素来控制。然而,最后三种材料如何保护水果免受生殖成熟的淡色红毛线虫的危害尚不清楚。在实验室中观察到,R。indifferens花最少的时间在经过Zeta-氯氰菊酯处理的樱桃上,可能是因为其毒性和刺激性。在实验室实验中,比起马拉硫磷和多杀菌素,zeta-氯氰菊酯杀死苍蝇的速度更快,在接触后2小时内造成高达100%的死亡率。当果蝇在干燥的残留物上行走20-25分钟或直接喷洒,然后再将其暴露于带有干燥残留物的樱桃中时,泽米氯氰菊酯可防止所有产卵,从而模拟成熟果蝇在经过处理的果园中的暴露情况。当果蝇接触残留物或直接大量喷洒苍蝇时,马拉硫磷和多杀菌素比对照组减少了排卵,但没有阻止。结果表明,Zeta-氯氰菊酯是这三种材料中最有效的保护樱桃免于成熟的R. indifferens的材料,可用于其和D. suzukii的综合防治程序。



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