首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Paleolimnology >Calcium levels in Daphnia ephippia cannot provide a useful paleolimnological indicator of historical lakewater Ca concentrations

Calcium levels in Daphnia ephippia cannot provide a useful paleolimnological indicator of historical lakewater Ca concentrations


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Despite reductions in atmospheric sulphur emissions and the resulting decline in acidic deposition, many lakes on the Canadian Shield that have experienced acidification are either recovering at a rate slower than expected or not recovering at all. This lack of recovery is believed to be partly the consequence of the depletion of exchangeable base cations (principally calcium, Ca) from watershed soils. Although the implications of reduced Ca availability for biological communities remain poorly understood, the effects on crustacean zooplankton populations may be severe, as Ca is the primary structural component of the crustacean zooplankton exoskeleton. Because the daphniid resting egg is protected by a modified portion of the exoskeleton (ephippia) and because these ephippia are well preserved in lake sediments, we investigated whether inter-specific differences in Ca content are recoverable from Daphnia ephippia. However, using two methods, we did not find a recoverable Ca signal in the ephippia, indicating that future efforts should be focused upon sedimentary taxonomic assemblage differences, not differences in ephippial Ca levels.
机译:尽管减少了大气中的硫排放并导致了酸性沉积物的减少,但是加拿大盾构上许多经历酸化的湖泊要么恢复的速度比预期的慢,要么根本没有恢复。人们认为这种缺乏恢复的部分原因是流域土壤中可交换的碱性阳离子(主要是钙,钙)被耗尽。尽管人们对钙的减少对生物群落的影响仍然知之甚少,但由于甲壳类动物浮游生物外骨骼的主要结构成分是钙,因此对甲壳类动物浮游生物种群的影响可能很严重。由于水蚤的卵被外骨骼的修饰部分保护(水蚤),并且由于这些水蚤在湖泊沉积物中得到了很好的保存,因此我们调查了水蚤水蚤是否可以恢复钙含量的种间差异。但是,使用两种方法,我们在ephippia中未找到可恢复的Ca信号,这表明未来的工作应集中在沉积生物分类的差异上,而不是在ephephial Ca水平上的差异上。



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