首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ornithology >Terns in trouble: demographic consequences of low breeding success and recruitment on a common tern population in the German Wadden Sea

Terns in trouble: demographic consequences of low breeding success and recruitment on a common tern population in the German Wadden Sea


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The nationally endangered breeding population of Common Terns Sterna hirundo in the German Wadden Sea has been rapidly declining in recent years. In an attempt to identify the causes for this decline we analysed the demography of the Jade Bay population based on the “Banter See” colony. This colony has been intensively studied for over 18 years and has been declining in recent years. We estimated apparent survival rates of breeders and non-breeders of different ages using multi-state capture–recapture models based on individual life histories. The population growth rates of the Banter See colony and Lower Saxony population were estimated, and possible future trajectories were projected using a matrix model approach. Adult survival rates (0.9) have remained constant, but since 2002 subadult survival has decreased significantly (0.36–0.28). We found significantly lower breeding success as well as lower and delayed recruitment. These changes in vital rates probably caused the shift in the Banter See colony growth rate from an increasing phase before 2002 to a declining phase after and most likely occurred due to low pelagic prey fish stocks in the North Sea, the most important food source for terns in the Wadden Sea. Should the population decline continue at the current rates, the Banter See colony could decrease by 11% and the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea population by an alarming 57% between 2009 and 2015.
机译:近年来,在德国瓦登海受全国濒危的特恩斯特尔纳银耳普通繁殖种群迅速减少。为了确定造成这种下降的原因,我们根据“班特湖”(Banter See)殖民地分析了翡翠湾人口的人口统计学。这个殖民地经过18多年的深入研究,近年来一直在下降。我们使用基于个体生活史的多状态捕获-捕获模型,估算了不同年龄的育种者和非育种者的表观存活率。估计了Banter See殖民地和下萨克森州人口的增长率,并使用矩阵模型方法预测了未来的发展轨迹。成人生存率(0.9)保持不变,但自2002年以来,亚成人生存率已大大降低(0.36-0.28)。我们发现育种成功率显着降低,并且招募的数量减少和延迟。生命率的这些变化可能导致了Banter See殖民地的增长率从2002年之前的增加阶段转变为2002年之后的下降阶段,最可能的原因是北海的上层捕食性鱼类种群减少,这是燕鸥最重要的食物来源在瓦登海。如果人口继续以目前的速度下降,则2009年至2015年之间,Banter See殖民地的人口可能减少11%,下萨克森州瓦登海的人口减少到惊人的57%。



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