首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Organic Chemistry >Stereoselective Transformation of Enantiopure Cyclohexenol into cis-Hydrindan. An Enantioselective Formal Total Synthetic Route to (+)-Pumiliotoxin C

Stereoselective Transformation of Enantiopure Cyclohexenol into cis-Hydrindan. An Enantioselective Formal Total Synthetic Route to (+)-Pumiliotoxin C

机译:对映体纯的环己烯醇向顺式氢化物丹的立体选择性转化。 (+)-Pumiliotoxin C的对映选择性正式总路线。

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Pumiliotoxin C (1) was originally isolated from the skin extracts of Dendrobates pumilio (a striking colored Panamanian poison arrow frog). X-ray analysis of the crystalline hydrochloride of 1 established the structure, and the absolute configuration (2S,4aS,5R,8aR) of this toxin was confirmed in 1977 by its total synthesis. Because of the scarcity of natural material (e.g., 15 mg of 1 from 250 frogs) coupled with the intriguing pharmacological properties, pumiliotoxin C (1) and gephy-rotoxin (2) (isolated from Columbian poison frog Dendrobates histrionicus) have proved to be challenges in organic synthesis. These alkaloids have in common the unusual cis-decahydroquinoline ring system with side-chain substituents at the C-2 and C-5 positions (the C-2 side chain of 2 being attached at nitrogen). Pumiliotoxin C (1) has served as a target for the synthesis of cis-decahydroquinoline alkaloids and has frequently been used to illustrate new methodologies for construction of the decahydroquinoline ring system.
机译:Pumiliotoxin C(1)最初是从Dendrobates pumilio(一种醒目的有色巴拿马毒箭蛙)的皮肤提取物中分离出来的。对1的结晶盐酸盐进行X射线分析,确定其结构,并于1977年通过全合成确定了该毒素的绝对构型(2S,4aS,5R,8aR)。由于缺乏天然物质(例如15毫克,每250只青蛙中有1只)加上令人着迷的药理特性,事实证明,pumiliotoxin C(1)和gephy-rotoxin(2)(从哥伦比亚毒蛙Dendrobates histrionicus分离)有机合成面临的挑战。这些生物碱共有不同寻常的顺式十氢喹啉环系统,在C-2和C-5位置带有侧链取代基(2的C-2侧链连接在氮上)。 Pumiliotoxin C(1)一直是合成顺式十氢喹啉生物碱的目标,并经常被用来说明构建十氢喹啉环系统的新方法。



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