首页> 外文期刊>Journal of nonparametric statistics >Multivariate generalisations of k-sample rank tests for umbrella alternatives

Multivariate generalisations of k-sample rank tests for umbrella alternatives


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We consider the problem of multivariate generalisation of k-sample rank tests for umbrella alternatives. That is, testing the null hypothesis of equality of medians against the alternatives of interest of the form F_l~(g)(x) ≥…≥ F_e~(g)(x)≤F_(e+l)~(g)(x)≤…≤ f_k~(g)(x) for all x and g = 1,...,p; with at least one strict inequality for at least one g when e is known. This is known as umbrella alternatives and from now on e will be referred to as the peak of the umbrella. Sometimes when comparing populations, we are interested in whether the medians of the groups are increasing up to some point then decreasing as the treatment levels are increasing. We propose a multivariate generalisation of umbrella alternatives based on coordinate-wise approach when the peak of the umbrella e is known. Approximate critical values for the small sample null distributions are also discussed. Furthermore, we study the power of the test under location-family alternatives using small sample simulations.
机译:我们考虑伞形选择的k样本秩检验的多变量泛化问题。也就是说,针对F_l〜(g)(x)≥…≥F_e〜(g)(x)≤F_(e + 1)〜(g)( x)≤…≤f_k〜(g)(x)对于所有x且g = 1,...,p;当已知e时,对于至少1 g具有至少一个严格不等式。这被称为伞的替代品,从现在开始,e将被称为伞的顶峰。有时,在比较人群时,我们会对这些组的中位数是否增加到某个点然后随着治疗水平的提高而降低感兴趣。当伞e的峰值已知时,我们基于坐标方法提出伞替代的多元概括。还讨论了小样本零值分布的近似临界值。此外,我们使用小样本模拟研究了位置-家庭选择下的测试功能。



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