首页> 外文期刊>Journal for nature conservation >Whinchat Saxicola rubetra reproductive success according to hay cutting schedule and meadow passerine density in alluvial and upland meadows in France

Whinchat Saxicola rubetra reproductive success according to hay cutting schedule and meadow passerine density in alluvial and upland meadows in France

机译:Whinchat Saxicola rubetra在法国的冲积和高地草甸中根据割草计划和草甸雀er碱密度繁殖成功

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In France, whinchat Saxicola rubetra populations now rarely breed at altitudes below 1,000 m except in flooded alluvial plains. Whinchat reproductive success, the timing of haymaking and meadow bird density were assessed in 2003 in six areas selected in three different flooded plains, in five areas from two massifs at altitudes ranging from 990 to 1,250 m, and in 2004 in six areas of three flooded plains, in seven areas from three massifs at altitudes ranging from 1,200 to 2,000 m. The percentage of whinchat territories in which juveniles were observed was negatively correlated with mown areas at the time when 80% of hatched broods (observation of prey carryings by adults) would theoretically be fledged. Additionally, assessed hatching success was negatively correlated with early haymaking in 2003 and with meadow passerine territory density in 2004. In upland meadows, whinchat populations exhibited either low reproductive success and low density (≤ 1,200 m) or high reproductive success and high density (≥ 1,200 m). In lowland flooded meadow however, high density could match low reproductive success and whinchat population then acts as a sink population. We conclude that adequate agri-environmental policy should not focus only on lowland meadows, even if the highest meadow bird diversity is often found there.
机译:在法国,除了水淹冲积平原以外,索萨克索拉·卢弗特拉(whixat Saxicola rubetra)种群现在很少在1000 m以下的高度繁殖。 2003年,在三个不同的洪泛平原中选择的六个区域,海拔990至1,250 m的两个断层中的五个区域,以及2004年在三个受洪泛滥的六个区域中评估了菱角羚的繁殖成功,制干草的时间和草地鸟类的密度平原,在三个地块的七个区域中,海拔从1200到2,000 m。从理论上讲,在80%的孵化雏鸟(观察成年猎物被捕)时,观察到幼雏的野营地的百分比与割草面积呈负相关。此外,评估的孵化成功率与2003年的早期干草生产和2004年的草甸雀形目区域密度呈负相关。在高地草甸,菱角种群显示出低繁殖成功率和低密度(≤1,200 m)或高繁殖成功率和高密度(≥ 1,200 m)。然而,在低地被水淹没的草地上,高密度可能与低繁殖成功相匹配,而菱角种群则充当汇聚种群。我们的结论是,即使经常在草地上发现最高的鸟类多样性,适当的农业环境政策也不应只集中在低地草地上。



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