首页> 外文期刊>Journal for nature conservation >Waterbird responses to regular passage of a birdwatching tour boat: Implications for wetland management

Waterbird responses to regular passage of a birdwatching tour boat: Implications for wetland management


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Participation in outdoor recreation can increase support for wildlife conservation, but may also disturb wildlife. We examined responses of wintering waterbirds to the regular passage of a small boat specifically dedicated to birdwatching tours in a coastal Ramsar site in northern Spain. Disturbances were measured during two separate periods: 2006-2008 and 2012-2015. Incidence and magnitude of disturbance events were compared by grouping species based on their interest to birders (target vs. non-target) and compared across sectors of the tour route. Flight-initiation distances (FID) were used to estimate species-specific buffer zones, which can be used to manage recreational disturbance to waterbirds. We further examined relationships between species-specific traits and FID, time flying, and distance flying following disturbance. A single boat tour disturbed on average 0.3% of non-target and 2.8% of target wintering bird populations within the wetland, with the effect being more pronounced on target species due to their smaller populations. Wing loading was positively associated with distance flying after disturbance. Based on measured FIDs, we calculated an overall buffer zone for all species of 100 m, and species-specific buffer zones ranging from 41 to 211 m. Disturbance incidence and the number of birds disturbed per tour were both greatest in narrow tidal channels (< 200 m), where boats were forced to pass within 100 m of waterbirds. We urge caution in allowing boat passage through tidal channels in which boat operators cannot effectively maintain recommended buffer zones between their boat and waterbirds.
机译:参加户外休闲活动可以增加对野生动植物保护的支持,但也可能会干扰野生动植物。我们研究了越冬的水鸟对专门用于在西班牙北部沿海拉姆萨尔(Ramsar)站点进行观鸟游览的小船的定期通过的反应。在两个不同的时期(即2006-2008年和2012-2015年)测量了干扰。通过根据对禽鸟的兴趣对物种进行分组(目标与非目标)对干扰事件的发生率和严重程度进行了比较,并在游览路线的各个部分进行了比较。飞行起始距离(FID)用于估计特定物种的缓冲区,该缓冲区可用于管理对水鸟的娱乐干扰。我们进一步检查了特定物种的特征与FID,时间飞行和干扰后的距离飞行之间的关系。一次单船游览会平均干扰湿地内非目标鸟类的0.3%和目标冬季鸟类的2.8%,由于目标种群较小,对目标物种的影响更为明显。机翼负荷与扰动后的飞行距离呈正相关。基于测得的FID,我们计算了100 m的所有物种的整体缓冲区,以及特定于物种的缓冲区,范围为41至211 m。在狭窄的潮汐通道(<200 m)中,船只被迫越过100 m以内的水鸟,扰动的发生率和每次旅行受干扰的鸟的数量都最大。我们敦促谨慎行事,以免船只穿过潮汐通道,使船只操作者无法有效地维持其船只与水鸟之间的建议缓冲区。



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