首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development >Andalusian university students' perception of their European identity: international orientation and experiences

Andalusian university students' perception of their European identity: international orientation and experiences


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Multicultural European societies increasingly demand internationally oriented citizens, who are willing to actively participate in civic life and able to successfully access the labour market. The European dimension in education supposedly endows youngsters with civic values, multiculturalist attitudes and plurilingual competences which ultimately lead to raising awareness of their Europeanness. Formative years at university, pivotal to students' individual life course and projects, are a decisive stage in the development of supranational, collective identity-formation. Similarly, pan-European study programmes are aimed at inspiring a sense of European citizenship and identity, the most renowned of which within the Higher Education context is Erasmus+. By conducting focus group interviews, this paper probes Andalusian university students' understanding of their European identity and verifies the causal dynamics between European identity-taking and foreign country sojourns, comparing the perceptions expressed by returnees to those by students who have not had the opportunity to participate in international study programmes (ISP) at higher education yet. Results evidence students' apparent supranational orientation, general awareness of commonalities across Europe and utilitarian outlooks on the EU, although not a clear discernment of its institutions or a marked European identity.
机译:多元文化欧洲社会越来越多地要求国际上面的公民,他们愿意积极参与公民生活,并能够成功地获得劳动力市场。教育中的欧洲维度据称赋予了与公民价值观,多元文化主义态度和多种语言的年轻人,最终导致提高对欧洲的认识。在大学的形成年份,为学生的个人生活课程和项目提供关怀,是出于发展,集体认同形成的果断阶段。同样,泛欧研究计划旨在鼓舞欧洲公民身份和身份感,其中最着名的高等教育背景是Erasmus +。通过进行焦点组访谈,本文探讨了安达卢斯大学的学生对其欧洲身份的理解,并验证了欧洲身份和外国的因果动态,将返回者所表达的感知与没有机会的学生进行比较在高等教育中参加国际学习计划(ISP)。结果证据表明,学生明显的欧洲欧洲和功利主义展望的普遍意识,虽然不是明确的探讨它的机构或标志着欧洲身份。




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