首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science >Screening pinus sylvestris grown for the production of Christmas trees for resistance to western gall rust Peridermium harknessii using different sources of aeciospores

Screening pinus sylvestris grown for the production of Christmas trees for resistance to western gall rust Peridermium harknessii using different sources of aeciospores

机译:使用不同的孢子来源筛选生长用于生产圣诞树的樟子松以抵抗西部胆锈病Peridermium harknessii

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Results showed a moderate to high susceptibility of Pinus sylvestris to western gall rust Peridermium harknessii from Pinus sylvestris in Michigan and pinus banksiana in minnesota. In general, Pinus sylvestris seed sources were more susceptible to aeciospores collected from Pinus sylvestris than aeciospores collected from Pinus banksiana.
机译:结果表明,樟子松对密歇根州樟子松和明尼苏达州樟子松的西胆锈病Peridermium harknessii有中等至高的敏感性。通常,樟子松种子来源比樟子松更容易受到从樟子松收集的异孢子的影响。



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