首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Biography >Post-Peninsular War activities of Sir James McGrigor (1771–1858), Wellington's Director-General of the Army Medical Department

Post-Peninsular War activities of Sir James McGrigor (1771–1858), Wellington's Director-General of the Army Medical Department


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James McGrigor (1771–1858) entered the Army Medical Department in September 1793, when he purchased a Surgeoncy in De Burgh's regiment. He transferred to the Blues (the Royal Horse Guards) in 1804 and shortly afterwards his organizational skills were recognized by the Duke of York. In 1811, he recommended McGrigor to Wellington, who commanded the British Forces in the Peninsula, and McGrigor joined Wellington in January 1812. As a result of his outstanding achievements during the Peninsular War, McGrigor was knighted in 1814. He later played a critical role in the post-Peninsular War Army by elevating the academic standard of the intake of medical officers as well as improving the standard of those who wished to gain promotion in the service. He established an extensive Anatomy, Pathology and Natural History Museum and the reference library at Fort Pitt at Chatham in Kent. He retired at the beginning of 1851, and died in London in April 1858, aged 87. In 1863, the museum collections were moved initially to the Army Medical School at Netley. At a later date these collections were dispersed and their present whereabouts are unknown. A significant proportion of his library is presently located in the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre on permanent loan in the library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine.
机译:詹姆斯·麦格里格(James McGrigor,1771-1858年)于1793年9月进入陆军医疗部,当时他在德伯格的军团购买了外科医生。他于1804年转入布鲁斯(皇家骑兵部队),不久之后,他的组织技能被约克公爵(Duke of York)认可。 1811年,他将麦格里格推荐给在半岛上指挥英军的惠灵顿。麦格里格于1812年1月加入惠灵顿。由于他在半岛战争中的杰出成就,麦格里格于1814年被封为爵士。后来,他扮演了关键角色通过提高后勤人员的学术水平,以及提高希望在服务中获得晋升的人员的水平,在后半岛战争军中扮演重要角色。他在肯特郡查塔姆的皮特堡建立了广泛的解剖学,病理学和自然历史博物馆以及参考图书馆。他于1851年初退休,并于1858年4月在伦敦去世,享年87岁。1863年,博物馆的藏品最初被转移到内特利的陆军医学院。后来这些收集物散开了,目前下落不明。目前,他图书馆的很大一部分都位于维康医学史研究所图书馆的长期借贷当代医学档案中心。



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